友好 1.(好朋友) close friend; friend 生前友好 friends of the deceased2.(亲近和睦) friendly; amicable 友好关系 friendly relations; 友好往来 friendly intercourse; 会谈在友好的气氛中进行。 the talks proceeded in a friendly atmosphere.; 友好代表团 goodwill mission; 友好访问 friendly visit; 友好人士 friendly personage; friend; 友好使者 envoy of friendship; 友好条约 treaty of friendship; 友好协会 friendship association; 友好邀请赛 friendship invitational tournament
东南亚国家联盟友好合作条约 treaty of amity and cooperation of the association of south-east asian countries
东南亚友好合作条约第一议定书 protocol amending the treaty of amity and cooperation in southeast asia
伊拉克和土耳其友好睦邻关系条约 treaty of friendshiand neighbourly relations between iraq and turkey
条约 convention; treaty; pact 边界条约 boundary treaty; 多边条约 multilateral pact; 双边条约 bilateral treaty; 通商航海条约 treaty of commerce and navigation; 友好合作条约 treaty of friendship and cooperation; 友好和互不侵犯条约 treaty of friendship and mutual nonaggression; 共同防御条约 mutual defense treaty; 订立条约 conclude a treaty; 现行有效的条约 treaty in force; 该和平条约是在巴黎签订的。 the peace treaty was signed in paris
The two sides signed a treaty of perpetual friendship 双方签定了永久友好条约
The china - japan joint statement 中日和平友好条约
Why was it so difficult to sign the treaty ? where was the sticking point 中日和平友好条约的签订如此之难,症结何在呢
Of course , the first sino - american treaty of friendship was signed here in 1844 at the kun iam temple 一八四四年,第一个美中友好条约就是在这里的观音庙签署的。
Because the declaration could n ' t replace the treaty according to the legislation proceedings , the two countries " governments signed the sino - japanese peace and amity treaty in august 1978 , which lasted six years long , showing its difficulty 1978年8月,中日两国政府又签订了和平友好条约,这一外交历程经历了整整6年时间,表明来之不易。
Last year we scored many significant achievements in international affairs , which were represented by the signing of the treaty of peace and friendship between china and japan and the normalization of relations between china and the united states 过去的一年里,我们在国际事务中取得了许多重大的成就,集中反映在中日和平友好条约的签订和中美关系正常化上。
The sino - japanese relations headed - on the honeymoon period in 1980 ' s because of many favorable factors after t he endorsement of the sino - japanese peace and amity treaty . during this period , the two countries " high - level leaders had frequent visits with each other , a series of conferences , institutions and system came into reality , and the two countries " friendly relations went forward in every field 中日和平友好条约签订后,由于种种有利因素的共同作用,中日关系在20世纪80年代迎来“蜜月期” ,这一时期两国高层领导互访频繁;一系列会议、机构、制度形成;两国友好关系在各条战线上突飞猛进。