- treaty of friendship and mutual nonaggression
- 友好 close friend; friend
- 和 mix; blend
- 互不侵犯条约 nonaggression treaty
- 互不侵犯条约 non-aggression treaty; treaty of mutual non-aggression
- 德苏互不侵犯条约 molotov-ribbentrop pact
- 苏德互不侵犯条约 molotov-ribbentrop pact
- 中苏互不侵犯条约 sino-soviet non-aggression pact
- 不侵犯条约 mutual non-aggression pact; nonaggression pact
- 互不侵犯 mutual nonaggression; refrain from invading each other◇互不侵犯条约 nonaggression treaty
- 互不侵犯原 non-aggression principle
- 互不侵犯协定 a nonaggression pact/treatyy
- 互不侵犯宣言 non-aggression declaration
- 互不侵犯原则 non-aggression principle
- 关于互不侵犯及和解的非战条约 anti war treaty on non aggression and conciliation
- 恩科马蒂互不侵犯协定 nkomati non-aggression accord
- 互不侵犯和睦邻协定 agreement on non-aggression and good-neighbourliness
- 互不侵犯和相互援汁定 agreement on non-aggression and assistance
- 南北互不侵犯联合声明 joint declaration on non-aggression between the north and the south
- 不侵犯, 不侵略 non-aggression
- 违犯条约, 违约 act in violation of the stipulation
- 友好和约 concordat
- 友好和睦关系 friendly and harmonious relations
- 不侵犯和协防协定 accord de non-aggression et d'assistance en matiere de defense; agreement on non-aggression and assistance in matters of defence
- 单方面不侵犯宣言 udi unilateral declaration of non-aggression
- 友好条约 friendly treaty; treaty of friendship