Sirinton : friendship envoy between chinese and thai people 中泰人民的友好使者
The number of tourists to shaanxi in northwest china has increased steadily in the past 23 years since terracotta figurines were first discovered . examples of such figurines have been displayed on five continents , thus arousing keen interest in the terracotta warriors 的确如此,秦陵兵马俑发现23年来,一方面来陕西旅游的人逐年增加,一方面秦俑作为友好使者走出国门遨游五大洲,从而掀起了经久不衰的秦俑热。
One of the first public hints of improved u . s . - china relations came on april 6 , 1971 , when the american ping - pong team , in japan for the 31st world table tennis championship , received a surprise invitation from their chinese colleagues for an all - expense paid visit to the people s republic 1971年4月6日,乒乓球曾经作为中美关系友好使者,为两国关系的发展做出了突出的贡献。那时,美国的乒乓球队,在日本参加第31届乒乓球冠军赛事。他们惊奇地接受到来自中国的邀请,费用全由中国承担。
The huai bei frigate is the new generation of chinese major battleship , the ship have visited russia at the invitation of attending the 50th anniversary victory celebration of ww , during the celebration , the fleets of russia , u . s and china have hold a fleet ispection , the no 541 frigate has been opened to the public which attracting a lot of visitors , and through this event the chinese navys power and good image is demonstrated “江卫级”导弹护卫舰是中国海军新一代主战装备。该舰作为中国友好使者,曾应邀访问俄罗斯,参加第二次世界大战胜利50周年庆祝活动,俄中美三国舰船举行舰队检阅。 541导弹护卫舰向公众开放参观,人潮如涌,显示了中国军舰的威武形象和魅力。