You rob the rich for the poor , i ' m proud to you 同志,既然你们是劫富济贫
We ' ve said we came to rob the rich only 我们下来的时候,是说好劫富济贫是要打劫那些有钱人
The man took 2 . 1 million euros ( $ 2 . 79 million ) in all 这位“侠盗”的“劫富济贫”行为持续了五年,涉及金额210万欧元。
" only sheriffs and bishops and rich people and kings , and such like “他劫富济贫,抢的都是郡长主教国王之类的富人。
Tony , rob the rich ok 大桶,劫富济贫啦
Maxi - cans have argued whether villa was the robin hood he claimed to be or just an ordinary hood 墨西哥人就维拉到底是他自己所声称的劫富济贫的大侠不是只是一般的强盗而有过争论。
Famed actor wu chia - hsiang directed dramas , fantasies , romances , and this jaunty , exciting , swashbuckling tale of a chinese robin hood who fought evil warlords decades ago 剧力迫人,大侠岳华,影后李菁主演!包得成岳华精技击,以?面盗身份劫富济贫,与官府作对!
After being captured by turks during the crusades , robin of locksley and a moor , azeem , escape back to england where azeem vows to remain until he rep . . 罗宾汉率领一队人马,专门替平民百姓劫富济贫。人们拥护他爱戴他,成为人们心目中的英雄。他们的起义获得多次的
But when white dragon and the blind swordsman subsequently fall for each other , they decide to world together and combat the crown prince , who has a sinister plan of his own 为了能以最完美面貌与二皇子相见,黑凤身穿一身白衣,于城内劫富济贫,飞侠小白美誉从此而来。
Although dean was a tricky man , the money he pickpocketed from those dirty rich people were spent on the seven poor orphans with whom he lived together in an old shaky church 多只手实为劫富济贫,他喜欢收留流浪孤儿,在废墟中建成他的神仙窝,并与收容的七名小孤儿同住。
劫富济贫的俄语:pinyin:jiéfùjìpín отбирать добро у богатых и помогать бедным (девиз повстанцев крестьян с дин. Сун)
劫富济贫什么意思:jié fù jì pín 【解释】劫:强取;济:救济。夺取富人的财产,救济穷人。 【示例】会因南北统一,所谋未遂,乃想学王天纵的行为,~,自张一帜。(蔡东藩、许厪父《民国通俗演义》第二十五回) 【拼音码】jfjp 【用法】连动式;作谓语、定语、宾语;含褒义 【英文】rob the wealthy to aid the needy