- 英国 Britain; England; the United ...
- 济贫 help the poor; give help to ...
- 院 courtyard; yard; compound
- 济贫院 almshouse; les hospices; workhouse
- 〔英国〕(济贫院的)临时收容所。 casual ward
- 济贫院;〔美国〕感化院,劳动教养院。 workhouse
- 私立济贫院或养老院 almshouse
- 济贫 help [relieve] the poor; give help to the poor; help [relieve] the people in distress◇济贫法 poor law; 济贫计划 poverty program
- 济贫法 old poor law; poor haw; poor law
- 济贫箱 poor box
- 新济贫 new poor
- 济贫拔苦 relieve the poor and comfort the afflicted
- 济贫扶困 give help to the poor, to those who are in need
- 济贫计划 poverty program
- 济贫医院 hospice hospital
- 济贫赈苦 help the poor and destitute
- 劫富济贫 rob the rich and assist [relieve] the poor; rob the rich to feed the poor
- 救济贫民 aid the poors
- 开仓济贫 open the granaries to relieve the poor; open the barn to help the poor
- 新济贫法 amendment bill; amendmentbill; the new poor law
- 义举济贫 relieve the poor for a good cause
- 济贫法事务局 poor law board
- 英国 britain; england; the united kingdom (the united kingdom of great britain and northern ireland) 英国护照 english passport; 英国通 anglist; 英国工党 labour party; 英国管 [乐] english horn; 英国广播公司 bbc (british broadcasting corporation); 英国人 the british; the english; englishman or englishwoman; 英国英语 british english
- 济贫法, 贫民救济法 poor law
- 贫民救助法,济贫法。 poor law