- 济贫 help the poor; give help to ...
- 医院 hospital; nosodochium; nosoc ...
- 济贫 help [relieve] the poor; give help to the poor; help [relieve] the people in distress◇济贫法 poor law; 济贫计划 poverty program
- 济贫法 old poor law; poor haw; poor law
- 济贫箱 poor box
- 济贫院 almshouse; les hospices; workhouse
- 新济贫 new poor
- 医院 hospital; nosodochium; nosocomium 传染病医院 hospital for infectious diseases; 儿童医院 children's hospital; 妇产医院 obstetrics and gynecology hospital; 兵站医院 camp hospital; 隔离医院 isolation hospital; 结核病医院 tuberculosis hospital; 口腔医院 stomatological hospital; 陆军医院 army hospital; 性病医院 [英国] a lock hospital; a vd hospital; 野战医院 field hospital; 战地医院 clearing hospital; 中医医院 hospital of chinese medicine; 肿瘤医院 tumour hospital; 综合性医院 general hospital; 被送进医院 be taken [sent] to hospital; 上医院 go to hospital; 办医院 run [operate] a hospital; 他很快就要出医院了。 he will soon be out of hospital
- 〔英国〕济贫院。 casual house
- 济贫拔苦 relieve the poor and comfort the afflicted
- 济贫扶困 give help to the poor, to those who are in need
- 济贫计划 poverty program
- 济贫赈苦 help the poor and destitute
- 劫富济贫 rob the rich and assist [relieve] the poor; rob the rich to feed the poor
- 救济贫民 aid the poors
- 开仓济贫 open the granaries to relieve the poor; open the barn to help the poor
- 新济贫法 amendment bill; amendmentbill; the new poor law
- 义举济贫 relieve the poor for a good cause
- 济贫法事务局 poor law board
- 济贫法, 贫民救济法 poor law
- 贫民救助法,济贫法。 poor law
- 使成为受救济贫民 pauperization
- 〔法语〕医院。 hotel dieu
- 办医院 run a hospital