不切实际 unrealistic; unpractical; impracticable; moot; not correspond with reality 不切实际的幻想 unrealistic notions; fanciful ideas; 不切实际的计划 an impracticable plan
不切实际的 crackpot; impracticable; impractical; of the closet; quixotic; unpractical; unrealistic
It is one thing to propose, another to execute . 出主意是一回事,切实执行是另一回事。
It does n't sound feasible . 听起来不切实。
It is possible today to exert control over the flow of genetic information . 今天已为切实控制遗传信息流提供了一定程度的可能性。
The books are very jewish, in a creditable, unsentimental way, in substance and in attitude . 这些著作非常富于犹太色彩,无论内容上和态度上都切实可信,没有感情冲动。
He shall take care that the laws be faithfully executed, and shall commission all the officers of the united states . 他应注意使法律切实执行,并任命所有合众国的军官。
I can not boast of much success in acquiring the reality of this virtue, but i had a good deal with regard to the appearance of it . 我不敢夸口我已切实掌握这一德行的真谛,但对它的外观我却了解了不少。
Posterity will remember him for the books in which neither farce nor bleakness has the upper hand, but in which affection and close knowledge are united . 后代记得他因为他写过几部既不胡闹也不阴冷的书,其中既有热情,又有切实的知识。
Do well broadcast news report in new situation 论切实搞好新时期广播新闻消息报道
The doctor ' s instructions must be fulfilled exactly 必须切实遵守医生的指示。
Conscientiously promote the tea - culture in china 切实推进中国茶文化事业的发展