- effective exercise of jurisdiction
- 切实 practical; feasible; realist ...
- 行使 exercise; perform; wield
- 管辖 have jurisdiction over; admi ...
- 行使管辖权 criminal juridiction; exercise of jurisdiction
- 明示同意行使管辖 express consent to exercise of jurisdiction
- 他已努力对那些年轻人行使管辖权。 he had made efforts to exercise his authority over those young people
- 行使管有权 entering into possession
- 实行使 give effect to
- 行使……司法管辖权 exercise the . . . jurisdiction
- 行使其管辖权 exerciseitsjurisdiction
- 切实 1.(切合实际) practical; feasible; realistic 切实可行的计划 a workable plan; a realistic [feasible; practical] plan; 切实有效的办法 practical and effective measures; 听起来不切实。 it doesn't sound feasible.2.(实实在在) conscientiously; earnestly 切实改正错误 correct one's mistakes in real earnest
- 管辖 have jurisdiction over; administer 在管辖范围之内 come within the jurisdiction of; 学校归校长管辖。 a school is a principal's jurisdiction.; 管辖范围 compass of competency; extent of jurisdiction; sphere of jurisdiction; 管辖海区 custodianship zone; 管辖区域 compass of competency; jurisdictional area; 管辖权 jurisdiciton; competency
- 切实的 cogent; tangible
- 不行使…… forbearance from the exercise of
- 使用,行使 wield
- 行使……职能 exercise of . . . functions
- 行使;练习 exercise
- 行使价 exercise price; nbsp; strike price
- 行使盘 fahrscheibe
- 行使期 exercise period
- 行使日 exercise date; exercise day (e day)
- 行使者 wielder
- 行使期;行使时限 exercise period