切实加强企业经营管理 conscientiously strengthen the operation and management of enterprises
He must identify practical targets for cost reduction . 他必须提出减少费用的切实可行的目标。
None of these propositions seemed particularly workable . 看起来,这些主张哪一个也不是特别切实可行的。
Whitehall frankly doubted that what i proposed was realistic . 白厅坦率地表示怀疑我的建议是否切实可行。
The suggestion was sensible, and yet i could not force myself to act on it . 这个建议是切实可行的,可是我不能强迫自己去执行。
To force the test situation toward manageable proportions it is universal practice to calibrate . 为了使测试工作切实可行,普遍采用的是数据校准。
Whenever practical, the item under study should be brought in for the group to examine . 只要切实可行,就应把所研究的产品带到小组去,供大家审议。
Western european nations had long since demonstrated the excellence and feasibility of such systems . 西欧国家,早就证实这类制度是优越的和切实可行的。
I will be prepared to put on an aggressive and vigorous campaign on a platform of practical liberalism . 我决心提出一个切实可行的开朗的纲领,准备进行一场战斗性的,有朝气的竞选活动。
I would have been very glad to have had my boat again on my side of the island; but i knew not how it was practicable to get it about . 我很想再把我的小船运到岛的这边来,却想不出切实可行的的办法。
But an animated discussion in regard to the manner and feasibility of providing for its wants at once sprung up . 不过,关于如何满足他的各种需求的方式方法以及是否切实可行的问题立即引起了一场活跃的讨论。