reputation; repute; renown 短语和例子
名声不好 have a bad reputation; 名声很坏 have an unsavoury reputation; be held in ill repute; be notorious; 名声狼籍 having a bad reputation; 名声上的污点 spot [stain] on one's fame; 享有好名声 enjoy a good reputation; be held in high repute; 有坏名声 be ill reputed; 他的名声传遍全国。 his fame spread throughout the country. 他死后才获得诗人的名声。 his fame as a poet did not come until after his death. 这家餐馆的服务差, 名声很坏。 its poor service gave the restaurant a bad name
Those who have triumphantly withstood such strains may brand his name . 那些成功地经受了严峻考验的人们或许会污辱他的名声 。 He spoke of the honor of the family: the unsullied reputation of the crawleys . 他谈到家门的体面和克劳莱家洁白无瑕的名声 。 You know of some absurd notion he has? -literary fame, and bachelor's chambers . 你知道他有一些可笑的想法?--文学家的名声 ,单身汉的小屋。 He'd hated faber for years and would grab at the opportunity to discredit him . 他对费伯积怨多年,会抓住一切机会败坏他的名声 ,使他信誉扫地。 He came to london in 1750 and soon acquired a reputation as a philosopher and man of letters . 1750年他到伦敦,不久获得了哲学家和学者的名声 。 Her house was meanly furnished, and she was not in such repute for her practice as before . 她家里的陈设也简陋了,她营业的名声 也不像以前那么好了。 He had lost his reputation as a strong man, having been defeated twice by a mere boy . 他竟然两次败在乳臭未干的小子手下,大力士的名声 从此一落千丈。 The scandalous remarks in the newspaper besmirch the reputations of every member of the society . 报刊上那些恶意中伤的报道败坏了该社团全体成员的名声 。 His reputation, they assured him, though built in such a short time, had endured . 他们告诉他,他的名声 ,虽然在那么短的时间内建立起来的,却已经站住了。 We may quarrel with the correlation of media notoriety and managerial excellence . 对于在报界的名声 和杰出的管理才能之间有什么相互联系,我们可以进行争论。
名声的法语 :名 réputation;renom;renommée;célébrité~很坏avoir une très mauvaise réputation.名声的日语 :名声.評判.誉れ. 在学校留下了好名声/学校でよい評判を残した. 他在村子里名声很坏/彼は村でたいへん評判が悪い. 名声扫地/名声が地に落ちる. 享有 xiǎngyǒu 名声/誉れが高い.名声的韩语 :평판名声的俄语 :[míngshēng] репутация, реноме; слава名声什么意思 :míngshēng 在社会上流传的评价:好~|~很坏|~在外。名声とは意味 :名声 めいせい fame