名声 reputation; repute; renown 名声不好 have a bad reputation; 名声很坏 have an unsavoury reputation; be held in ill repute; be notorious; 名声狼籍 having a bad reputation; 名声上的污点 spot [stain] on one's fame; 享有好名声 enjoy a good reputation; be held in high repute; 有坏名声 be ill reputed; 他的名声传遍全国。 his fame spread throughout the country. 他死后才获得诗人的名声。 his fame as a poet did not come until after his death. 这家餐馆的服务差, 名声很坏。 its poor service gave the restaurant a bad name
狗的名声 the reputation of dogs; the reputation ofdogs
" miami has a very good reputation as a vacation spot but it has had for a couple of decades a rough opinion when it comes to crime , " said fritz wenzel , the director of communications for zogby international 佐格比国际调查机构沟通部主任弗里兹?温泽尔说: “迈阿密向来以度假胜地而著称,但几十年来,犯罪问题一直让其名声受损。 ”