

  • a gathering of many people; (a big audience) filled the hall.; a great assemblage of people in a hall; a large gathering in an auditorium; gather together under the same roof; the house is packed with guests.: 老、中、青济济一堂, 共同学习, 相互激励。 gathered together, the old, the middle-aged and the young studied side by side and encouraged each other



  • 例句与用法
  • Hong kong is making preparations to host the 2009 east asian games , one of asia s showpiece athletic gatherings featuring top - class athletes from around the region
  • In addition to the briefing of the school audit , 2 secondary schools and 2 kindergartens were invited to share their experiences on preparing school audit and assessments
  • That night they had a big supper , and all them men and women was there , and i stood behind the king and the duke s chairs and waited on them , and the niggers waited on the rest
  • In addition , representatives of various sme associations , trade associations and service organizations have shown full support to the programme by joining at the ceremony a champagne toasting for the success of the programme
  • Experts and scholars in simulation field gathered from all over the country to discuss the development of simulation technology in the fields such as military , aviation , energy & electric power , communication network , visible technology , etc
  • In a sharing of skills and talent that was assured to stimulate creativity , event participants will include experts in the fields of multimedia , architecture , interior , product and industrial design , fashion , branding , advertising and communication
  • At a packed ceremony in argentina ' s congress on december 10th , n stor kirchner gave his wife , cristina fern ndez de kirchner , a gift hitherto unknown in the history of marriage : his country ' s presidential sash and staff
  • The sip was completed . the opening ceremony of the new annex was officiated by mr cheng yan chi , deputy secretary for education and manpower , on 20th november 2004 . guests , parents and friends of the school were invited to share the joyous moment
  • Is offering visitors an unprecedented hands - on multimedia experience at its celebrity waxworks museum . the world - famous attraction now features more than 100 incredible wax likenesses of stars , world leaders and sports heroes displayed in five totally interactive themed settings that are spread over three floors within the completely refurbished peak tower complex . its an amazing experience like no other
  • The 2007 miss world competition has seen 106 beautiful and talented contestants spend an unfor - gettable month in china , but there could only be one winner and the applause rang out in the packed the - atre as julia morley , chairman of the miss world organisation and of the international panel of judges , announced the winner ' s name
    2007年“世界小姐”大赛持续了一个月, 106位才女佳丽在中国度过了令人难忘的一个月,然而,冠军只能有一个,当“世界小姐”机构、国际评委小组主席朱莉亚?莫莉宣布冠军得主时,济济一堂的戏院顿时爆发出雷鸣般的掌声。
  • 更多例句:  1  2  3
  • 其他语种释义
  • 济济一堂的韩语:인재가 한방에 가득하다.
  • 济济一堂什么意思:jǐ jǐ yī táng 【解释】形容很多有才能的人聚集在一起。 【出处】《书·大禹谟》:“济济有众。” 【示例】摄影中~的满是儿童。(朱自清《“海阔天空”与“古今中外”》) 【拼音码】jjyt 【灯谜面】过年吃团圆饭资助泉城母孤单 【用法】偏正式;作谓语;含褒义
  • 推荐英语阅读
济济一堂的英文翻译,济济一堂英文怎么说,怎么用英语翻译济济一堂,济济一堂的英文意思,濟濟一堂的英文济济一堂 meaning in English濟濟一堂的英文济济一堂怎么读,发音,例句,用法和解释由查查在线词典提供,版权所有违者必究。
