a gathering of many people; (a big audience) filled the hall.; a great assemblage of people in a hall; a large gathering in an auditorium; gather together under the same roof; the house is packed with guests.: 老、中、青济济一堂, 共同学习, 相互激励。 gathered together, the old, the middle-aged and the young studied side by side and encouraged each other
欢聚一堂 have a joyous gathering (with); a happy gathering [reunion]; be gathered happily in the same hall; be together on a happy occasion; enjoy a nice meeting together; get together joyously; happily gather under the same roof
Hong kong is making preparations to host the 2009 east asian games , one of asia s showpiece athletic gatherings featuring top - class athletes from around the region 此项数一数二的亚洲体坛盛会,网罗区内顶尖好手济济一堂,凭实力竞逐殊荣,肯定备受瞩目。
In addition to the briefing of the school audit , 2 secondary schools and 2 kindergartens were invited to share their experiences on preparing school audit and assessments 是次工作坊共有230位来自中、小、特殊教育学校及幼稚园的校长及老师参与,大家济济一堂,反应热烈。
That night they had a big supper , and all them men and women was there , and i stood behind the king and the duke s chairs and waited on them , and the niggers waited on the rest 那天晚餐很丰盛,男男女女,济济一堂,我站在国王和公爵坐的椅子后边侍候他们,其余的人由黑奴们侍候。
In addition , representatives of various sme associations , trade associations and service organizations have shown full support to the programme by joining at the ceremony a champagne toasting for the success of the programme 冠盖云集,各行各业的中小企组织、商会和服务机构代表济济一堂,一同举杯,预祝计划成功。
Experts and scholars in simulation field gathered from all over the country to discuss the development of simulation technology in the fields such as military , aviation , energy & electric power , communication network , visible technology , etc 会上,来自全国各地的仿真专家学者济济一堂,畅谈仿真技术在军事、航空航天、能源电力、网络通讯、可视化技术等等各个领域的发展。
In a sharing of skills and talent that was assured to stimulate creativity , event participants will include experts in the fields of multimedia , architecture , interior , product and industrial design , fashion , branding , advertising and communication 是次活动中,各个设计?畴的专才济济一堂,包括多媒体、建筑、室内设计、商品和工业设计、时装、品牌发展、广告及平面图语传讯等。
At a packed ceremony in argentina ' s congress on december 10th , n stor kirchner gave his wife , cristina fern ndez de kirchner , a gift hitherto unknown in the history of marriage : his country ' s presidential sash and staff 12月10日在阿根廷济济一堂的国会仪式上,内斯托尔?基什内尔给了他妻子克里斯蒂娜?费尔南德斯?德?基什内尔一件婚姻历史上前所未有的礼物:国家总统的绶带和权杖。
The sip was completed . the opening ceremony of the new annex was officiated by mr cheng yan chi , deputy secretary for education and manpower , on 20th november 2004 . guests , parents and friends of the school were invited to share the joyous moment 学校改善工程己全部完成,校舍新翼揭幕典礼于十一月二十日举行,承蒙教育统筹局副秘书长郑恩赐先生莅临主持,多位嘉宾历任校长及家长莅临参观,济济一堂,典礼上一片欢乐气氛。
Is offering visitors an unprecedented hands - on multimedia experience at its celebrity waxworks museum . the world - famous attraction now features more than 100 incredible wax likenesses of stars , world leaders and sports heroes displayed in five totally interactive themed settings that are spread over three floors within the completely refurbished peak tower complex . its an amazing experience like no other 这座世界知名的蜡像馆占地三层,共设五个主题展区,展出100多尊栩栩如生的国际和本地名人蜡像,红星巨贾天才猛将济济一堂,星光熠熠,为您呈献一趟精采难忘的巨星之旅!
The 2007 miss world competition has seen 106 beautiful and talented contestants spend an unfor - gettable month in china , but there could only be one winner and the applause rang out in the packed the - atre as julia morley , chairman of the miss world organisation and of the international panel of judges , announced the winner ' s name 2007年“世界小姐”大赛持续了一个月, 106位才女佳丽在中国度过了令人难忘的一个月,然而,冠军只能有一个,当“世界小姐”机构、国际评委小组主席朱莉亚?莫莉宣布冠军得主时,济济一堂的戏院顿时爆发出雷鸣般的掌声。