The old man now passed through the broad hall through an inner hall , wherein against the walls stood huge oaken chests bearing porcelain vases ; then through the door opposite he entered a small lobby , from which a narrow staircase led to the upper rooms at the back of the house 于是老年人走过了那宽广的门厅,又穿过一个宽广的?廊,沿著墙壁立著几具摆置有许多瓷瓶的巨大的橡木柜子;再从对面的那道门穿过,走进一个小的厅堂,从那里有一道狭隘楼梯通到这所房子后面的楼上的房间。
The furniture of the hall consisted of some ponderous chairs , the backs of which were elaborately carved with wreaths of oaken flowers ; and likewise a table in the same taste ; the whole being of the elizabethan age , or perhaps earlier , and heirlooms , transferred hither from the governor s paternal home 大厅中的家具,包括几把笨重的椅子,椅背上精雕着团团簇簇的橡树花,还有一张与椅子配套的桌子,以及一整套伊丽莎白时代的全部设备,说不定还是从更早的年代祖传下来的,由总督从故土运到了这里。
The old men on the rising straw - rick talked of the past days when they had been accustomed to thresh with flails on the oaken barn - floor ; when everything , even to winnowing , was effected by hand - labour , which , to their thinking , though slow , produced better results 在堆高的麦秆垛上,上了年纪的工人们谈起了他们过去的岁月,那时候他们一直是用连枷在仓库的地板上打麦子那时候所有的事情,甚至扬麦糠,靠的也都是人力,按照他们的想法,那样虽然慢点,但是打出的麦子要好得多。
Certain it is that , some fifteen or twenty years after the settlement of the town , the wooden jail was already marked with weather - stains and other indications of age , which gave a yet darker aspect to its beetle - browed and gloomy front . the rust on the ponderous iron - work of its oaken door looked more antique than any thing else in the new world 可以确定无疑地说,早在镇子建立十五年或二十年之际,那座木造监狱就已经因风吹日晒雨淋和岁月的流逝而为它那狰狞和阴森的门面增加了几分晦暗凄楚的景象,使它那橡木大门上沉重的铁活的斑斑锈痕显得比新大陆的任何陈迹都益发古老。
Only one hour in the twenty - four did she pass with her fellow - servants below ; all the rest of her time was spent in some low - ceiled , oaken chamber of the second storey : there she sat and sewed - and probably laughed drearily to herself , - as companionless as a prisoner in his dungeon 一天二十四小时中,她只有一小时同楼下别的佣人呆在一起,其余时间是在三层楼上某个橡木卧室低矮的天花板下度过的。她坐在那里做着针线活也许还兀自凄楚地大笑起来像监狱里的犯人一样无人作伴。
consisting of or made of wood of the oak tree; "a solid oak table"; "the old oaken bucket"
Oaken is a small village in Staffordshire, England. The first mention of the Oaken place-name, was in 1086 when it was listed in the Domesday book as Ache.