There are two oaken tables in our house 我们家有两张橡木制的桌子。
The heavy oaken furniture had been axed , used for firewood 沉重的橡木家具被劈开,当作木柴。
His downcast eyes followed the silent veining of the oaken slab 他那低垂的眼睛沿着栎木板那寂然无声的纹理扫视。
Pandaren with quicker than usual instincts , mangix wields his oaken staff with great efficiency 曼吉斯,有著超乎一般速度的熊猫,以一流的效率挥舞著他的橡木棍。
Then he took away his mother s portrait , with its oaken frame , leaving the gilt frame from which he took it black and empty 他从镜框里拿出他母亲的画像,把它卷了起来,只留下那只镶金边的空框子。
Oaken is a small village in Staffordshire, England. The first mention of the Oaken place-name, was in 1086 when it was listed in the Domesday book as Ache.
oakenとは意味:{形} : オークの、オーク材製の -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 【発音】o'ukn、【分節】oak?en oaken meaning: Adjective: oaken owkun Consisting of or made of wood of the oak tree "the old oaken bucket" See also: woody Encyclopedia: Oaken Oaken, Staffordshire oaken en francais:adj. en bois de chêneoaken artinya:dibuat dari kayu ekoaken 뜻:adjective, 떡갈나무제의oaken перевод:1) преим. _книж. дубовый Ex: oaken bucket дубовая бадья 2) солидный; мощный, крепкий Ex: oaken citizen истинный гражданин