The purpose of this essay is to give a detailed analysis of michael oakeshott ' s idea of liberal education 摘要本文之宗旨在于翔实地分析欧克秀的人文教育理念。
Accordingly , the major part of this essay will follow oakeshott ' s steps to re - establish the characteristics of liberal education in terms of the humanist ethos evinced in his philosophical skepticism 如此,本文的论述主体将依循欧克秀的步调,从其带有哲学怀疑论色彩的人文主义精神著手,重建人文教育理念的主要特质。
To oakeshott , the most serious crisis that roils today ' s universities results from a modernized attempt to define the " social aims " of a university by appealing to rationalism and the related notion of enterprise association 对欧克秀而言,困扰著当前大学之最严重危机,乃肇因于一种诉诸理性主义以及与其相应的企业组织思维,来界说一个大学之社会目标的现代性企图。
In order to revitalize a humanist ' s interests in studying the ontological conditions of a man being a human being , oakeshott therefore moves to launch a subsequent critique of social education in favor of liberal education , a critique which echoes his famous attack on rationalism and enterprise association in every respect 为了重振人文主义者之于人之所以为人的本体条件的探究兴趣,欧克秀因此呼应于他对理性主义与企业组织已所提出的著名攻击,进而对社会教育思想展开另一次严峻批判,但求伸张人文教育思想的时代意义。