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  • There are two oaken tables in our house
  • The heavy oaken furniture had been axed , used for firewood
  • His downcast eyes followed the silent veining of the oaken slab
  • Pandaren with quicker than usual instincts , mangix wields his oaken staff with great efficiency
  • Then he took away his mother s portrait , with its oaken frame , leaving the gilt frame from which he took it black and empty
  • The mouth of the cave was up the hillside - an opening shaped like a letter a . its massive oaken door stood unbarred
  • Caderousse , more and more astonished , went toward a large oaken cupboard , opened it , and gave the abb a long purse of faded red silk , round which were two copper runners that had once been gilt . the abb
  • The grass - plot before the jail , in prison lane , on a certain summer morning , not less than two centuries ago , was occupied by a pretty large number of the inhabitants of boston ; all with their eyes intently fastened on the iron - clamped oaken door
  • The ruddy brick floor smiled up at the smoky ceiling ; the oaken settles , shiny with long wear , exchanged cheerful glances with each other ; plates on the dresser grinned at pots on the shelf , and the merry firelight flickered and played over everything without distinction
  • At about the centre of the oaken panels , that lined the hall , was suspended a suit of mail , not , like the pictures , an ancestral relic , but of the most modern date ; for it had been manufactured by a skilful armourer in london , the same year in which governor bellingham came over to new england . there was a steel headpiece , a cuirass , a gorget , and greaves , with a pair of gauntlets and a sword hanging beneath ; all , and especially the helmet and breastplate , so highly burnished as to glow with white radiance , and scatter an illumination everywhere about upon the floor
  • It's difficult to see oaken in a sentence. 用oaken造句挺难的
  • The old man now passed through the broad hall through an inner hall , wherein against the walls stood huge oaken chests bearing porcelain vases ; then through the door opposite he entered a small lobby , from which a narrow staircase led to the upper rooms at the back of the house
  • The furniture of the hall consisted of some ponderous chairs , the backs of which were elaborately carved with wreaths of oaken flowers ; and likewise a table in the same taste ; the whole being of the elizabethan age , or perhaps earlier , and heirlooms , transferred hither from the governor s paternal home
  • The old men on the rising straw - rick talked of the past days when they had been accustomed to thresh with flails on the oaken barn - floor ; when everything , even to winnowing , was effected by hand - labour , which , to their thinking , though slow , produced better results
  • Certain it is that , some fifteen or twenty years after the settlement of the town , the wooden jail was already marked with weather - stains and other indications of age , which gave a yet darker aspect to its beetle - browed and gloomy front . the rust on the ponderous iron - work of its oaken door looked more antique than any thing else in the new world
  • Only one hour in the twenty - four did she pass with her fellow - servants below ; all the rest of her time was spent in some low - ceiled , oaken chamber of the second storey : there she sat and sewed - and probably laughed drearily to herself , - as companionless as a prisoner in his dungeon
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