不成体统 in a state of disorder; behave very badly; having no manners; most improper; not assume proper form; not presentable; ridiculous; unbecoming; wildly 她在聚会上的举止真不成体统。 she behaved very badly at the party. 舞会上穿短裤不成体统。 short trousers are improper at a dance
Now , he was more concerned about the impropriety of visiting zeftel at this hour < uk >他眼下更关心的是,这么晚去找泽特尔有失体统。 < / uk >
She saw the indelicacy of putting himself forward as he had done , and the inconsistency of his professions with his conduct 她发觉他那样自称自赞,是多么有失体统,而且他又是多么言行不符。
Miss darcy , the daughter of mr . darcy of pemberley , and lady anne , could not have appeared with propriety in a different manner 要知道,她身为彭伯里的达西先生和安妮夫人的千金小姐,不那样便难免有失体统。
My light - verse joke about the trinity could seem disrespectful , i suppose ; but it is a hard concept , as you say , and that ' s all i meant 我那首写三位一体的玩笑式轻松诗可能看起来有失体统,实际上却是像你说的,义正词严,这正是我所要表达的。
Bennet and her daughters then departed , and elizabeth returned instantly to jane , leaving her own and her relations ' behaviour to the remarks of the two ladies and mr 伊丽莎白立刻回到吉英身边去,也不去管彬格莱府上的两位小姐怎样在背后议论她跟她家里人有失体统。
They are young in the ways of the world , and not yet open to the mortifying conviction that handsome young men must have something to live on , as well as the plain . 她们在人情世故方面还幼稚得很,还不懂得这样一个有失体统的信条:美少年和凡夫俗子一样,也得不饭吃,有衣穿。 ”
He seemed to think i had committed an impropriety in proposing to accompany him unmarried : as if i had not from the first hoped to find in him a brother , and habitually regarded him as such 他好像认为提议不结婚陪他去是有失体统,仿佛我一开始就不希望把他当成兄长,而且一直这么看他似的。 ”
The conversation touched on the chief items of news in the town , on the illness of the wealthy old count bezuhov , a man who had been renowned for his personal beauty in the days of catherine , and on his illegitimate son , pierre , who had behaved so improperly at a 谈话中提到当时市内的首要新闻遐尔闻名的富豪和叶卡捷琳娜女皇当政时的美男子老别祖霍夫伯爵的病情和他的私生子皮埃尔,此人在安娜帕夫洛夫娜舍列尔举办的晚会上行为不轨,有失体统。
" after mentioning the likelihood of this marriage to her ladyship last night , she immediately , with her usual condescension , expressed what she felt on the occasion ; when it become apparent , that on the score of some family objections on the part of my cousin , she would never give her consent to what she termed so disgraceful a match “昨夜不佞曾与夫人提及此次联姻可能成为事实,深蒙夫人本其平日推爱之忱,以其隐衷见告。彼谓此事千万不能赞同,盖以令嫒门户低微,缺陷太多,若竟而与之联姻实在有失体统。
At once ! meanwhile in the outer room petya had caught sight of the swords and seized upon them with the rapture small boys feel at the sight of a soldier brother , and regardless of its not being the proper thing for his sisters to see the young men undressed , he opened the bedroom door 这时候彼佳在第一个房间里看见了几柄马刀,就急忙拿了起来,他感到异常高兴,平常孩子们看见威武的长兄时也有同样的感受,他打开房门,竟然忘记姐姐们在看见脱光衣服的男人时会觉得有失体统呢。