- 有 5年 fifteen years
- 失真 not true to life or to origi ...
- 小 small; little; petty; minor
- 固有失真 inherent distortion
- 有失真衰减器 distortion pad
- 波道的固有失真度 degree of inherent distortion of a channel
- 信道固有失真度 degree of inherent distortion of a channel
- 有失真图像压缩 lossy image compression
- 真小鲤 cyprinella bubalinus
- 失真 1.[无线电] distortion; anamorphose 频率失真 frequency distortion2.(跟原来的有出入) (of voice, images, etc.) lack fidelity; not be true to the original 这张照片有点失真。 the picture isn't somewhat true to the original
- 唯恐有失 fear that there may be some mishap
- 言多有失 if you talk too much, you may say the wrong thing
- 有得必有失 as good list as found; good lost as found
- 有得有失 you win some you lose some
- 有失才有得 you can't make an omelette without breaking eggs
- 有失分寸 a breach of propriety
- 有失观瞻 lose one's dignity; make an ill [a bad] appearance
- 有失国体 tarnish the honour of one's country
- 有失和气 fail to keep on good terms
- 有失体面 disgrace
- 有失体统 be disgraceful
- 有失尊严 beneath one's dignity demeaning
- 阿氏真小鲤 cyprinella alvarezdelvillari
- 斑鳍真小鲤 cyprinella spiloptera
- 有施虐狂的 se5distik sedistik
- 有施虐狂的人 seidist sedist/ person who practises sadism