

  • deletant



  • 例句与用法
  • Investigation on agronomic characters and quality characters of these new soybean varieties
  • With ni2 + - lda - sepharose , the cbd tag was removed . according to the results of sds - page and western blot analysis , the product of outflow was the target protein lt a 27 . the purity of lt a 27 was about 95 %
    运用niz +金属鳌合亲和层析柱进一步快速纯化去除融合头,上样流出经sds一队ge分析和western印迹分析ii1 :明得到的纯化产物为淋巴毒素缺失体蛋白lt凸27 , lt 2 :产物纯度可达95 %以上。
  • Lymphotoxin ( lt ) is a kind of pleiotropic lymphocyte - secreted cytokine which mediates a large variety of inflammatory , immunostimulatory , and antiviral responses . in order to increase the antitumor activity of lymphotoxin and reduce its side effects , the recombinant plasmid pet36b - lt 27 was constructed to express soluble fusion protein cbd - lt 27 . the active form of lt 27 could be collected directly with several simple steps by three kind of components on the expressed fusion protein
    本研究通过构建表达n端缺失27个氨基酸的淋巴毒素融合蛋白的重组质粒,在大肠杆菌中实现融合蛋白的可溶及分泌表达,同时利用表达载体上的几种特殊序列经简单的分离纯化步骤直接获得大量的有生物活性的淋巴毒素缺失体lt 27 ,为寻找一种高抗肿瘤活性、低临床毒副作用的生物抗癌药物进行了有效的探索。
  • A human lymphotoxin deletion gene fragment which lacking n - terminal 27 amino acid residues of the protein was pcr amplified using a pair of designed primers and cloned into expression vector pet36b ( + ) to construct a fusion protein with cbd tag , resulting a recombinant plasmid pet36b - lt 27 . the recombinant plasmid was transformed into host e . coli bl21 ( de3 ) plyss
    采用pcr的方法扩增出人淋巴毒素n端缺失27个氨基酸的缺失体基因片段,将此基因片段克隆至表达载体pet36b ( + )上,与t7lac启动子控制下的cbdtag构建成表达融合蛋白的重组质粒pe736b - lt 27 。
  • The biological activity of purified lt 27 was tested with the assay system , and its biological activity was 2 - 3 107 iu / mg . pro . the cytotoxicity of purified lt 27 was in the same level with rhtnfp and lt international standard . it shows that lt deletion could keep its high cytotoxicity towards tumour cell l929 in vitro after 27 amino acids deleted from its n - terminal
    用建立的淋巴毒素生物活性测定方法对上述纯化的淋巴毒素缺失体lt 27的生物活性进行检测,测得其比活为2一3xl口iu / mg . proo纯化的淋巴毒素缺失体lt 27的生物活性与rhtnfp和淋巴毒素国标标准品的生物活性大致相当,表明lt经n端缺失27个氨基酸后仍能保持很高的体外肿瘤细胞毒活性。
  • 推荐英语阅读
缺失体的英文翻译,缺失体英文怎么说,怎么用英语翻译缺失体,缺失体的英文意思,缺失體的英文缺失体 meaning in English缺失體的英文缺失体怎么读,发音,例句,用法和解释由查查在线词典提供,版权所有违者必究。
