体面 1.(体统) dignity; propriety; face 有失体面 be a loss of face2.(光荣) honourable; creditable; respectable 体面的外表 respectable appearance; 不体面的行为 disgraceful conduct3.(好看) handsome; good-looking 长得体面 be handsome
Only a trick would do now, something that would put an end to the alliance without hurting friendship, without revealing his handiwork, without compromising honor . 现在只能巧施计谋了,既要阻挡这门亲事,又不能破坏交情,不能露出马脚,不能有失体面。
Both sides thought that the peace proposal was one they could accept with dignity 双方都认为可以不失体面地接受这个和平方案。
Both sides thought that the peace proposal was one they could accept with dignity 双方认为,那和平建议是一个他们可以接受而不失体面的建议。
Lay it on me , he spent ten minutes telling me everything that was wrong here . what disgraceful expenditures , etc . , etc . he laid it all out 他用了十分钟告诉我这里每一个问题,多么失体面的消费等,他统统说出来了我说,我在这儿
Order food to satisfy our hunger but not our taste buds , and do not attempt to show our hospitality by the number and portion of the courses 点菜时应该根据用膳人数来安排适量的菜肴,勿为了大饱口福或是为免有失体面而预备过量的食物。
Natasha asked this question and blushed as she did so ; she was feeling all the while that there she was doing something improper in talking to him 她经常仿佛觉得,她跟他谈话是在做什么有失体面的事情。阿纳托利微微一笑,仿佛是鼓励她似的。
The old soldiers , considering it beneath their dignity to show interest in such trifles , lay on the other side of the fire , but now and then one would raise himself on his elbow and glance with a smile at morel 年长的士兵认为干这种无聊的事有失体面,他们躺在火堆的另一边,时而用臂肘支起身子微笑着看一下莫雷尔。
It is impossible to say simply for the fun and exercise : as soon as the question of prestige arises , as soon as you feel that you and some larger unit will be disgraced if you lose , the most savage combative instincts are around 没有可能仅仅为了娱乐或锻炼而运动:一旦有了问题,一旦你觉得你输了你和你所属团体会有失体面时,你最野蛮的好斗本能就会被激发出来。
Allowing for my learned friend s appearance being careless and slovenly if not debauched , they were sufficiently like each other to surprise , not only the witness , but everybody present , when they were thus brought into comparison 除了我这位有学问的朋友有点不修边幅如果不算是有失体面的话之外,他和囚犯确实是一模一祥。把两人一比较,不但叫那证人大吃了一惊,就是在场所有的人也都大吃了一惊。
I said , well you know , i ve been around here for 32 years and believe me you re not the only one who s found fault with this ministry . why don t we take a walk around a bit and see if i can change your mind . and the man scoffed and said , you ll have one tough time 他用了十分钟告诉我这里每一个问题,多么失体面的消费等,他统统说出来了我说,我在这儿32年了,相信我,你不是惟一一个批评这事工的人,但我们何不到处逛逛,看我能否改变你的想法。