

  • talking book; audio material; tape accompanying a textbook



  • 例句与用法
  • Helped by the ipod boom , digital audiobooks are already one of publishing ' s hottest sectors , with sales nearly quadrupling between 2001 and 2003 , to more than million , according to the audio publishers association
  • Helped by the ipod boom , digital audiobooks are already one of publishing ' s hottest sectors , with sales nearly quadrupling between 2001 and 2003 , to more than 18 million , according to the audio publishers association
  • Rowling ' s fantasy series , most recently " harry potter and half - blood prince , " has sold more than 200 million copies worldwide in print editions and more than 5 million as audiobooks , narrated by grammy winner jim dale
  • They can be purchased through apple ' s itunes store , for prices ranging from . 95 for a single book to 9 for the whole series , which , according to random house , includes a " full color digital booklet " and " previously unreleased readings " by rowling
    这套数字有声读物由罗琳现在的音像出版商兰登书屋音像出版集团公司出版发行,可以在apple ' s itunes商店购买,单本书售价32 . 95美元,整套书的价格为249美元。
  • They can be purchased through apple ' s itunes store , for prices ranging from 32 . 95 for a single book to 249 for the whole series , which , according to random house , includes a " full color digital booklet " and " previously unreleased readings " by rowling
    这套数字有声读物由罗琳现在的音像出版商兰登书屋音像出版集团公司出版发行,可以在apple ' s itunes商店购买,单本书售价32 . 95美元,整套书的价格为249美元。
  • Neil blair , a lawyer with rowling ' s literary agency , said wednesday that there are no current plans for potter e - books . rowling ' s fantasy series , most recently " harry potter and half - blood prince , " has sold more than 200 million copies worldwide in print editions and more than 5 million as audiobooks , narrated by grammy winner jim dale
  • 更多例句:  1  2
  • 其他语种释义
  • 有声读物的法语:livre sonore livre audio
  • 有声读物的日语:(簡単な読み物やテキストの付いた)ソノシート,録音テープ.
  • 有声读物的韩语:[명사] (간단한 원문을 첨부한) 소노시트(sonosheet). →[有声杂志]
  • 有声读物的俄语:аудиокни́га аудио-кни́га
  • 有声读物什么意思:用磁带录制成的出版物。    ▶ 《文汇报》1987.1.10: “上海有声读物出版公司出版的《梵曲精粹》, 汇集了各地名刹古寺的佛教音乐, 佛教界对此深表赞赏。”
  • 推荐英语阅读
有声读物的英文翻译,有声读物英文怎么说,怎么用英语翻译有声读物,有声读物的英文意思,有聲讀物的英文有声读物 meaning in English有聲讀物的英文有声读物怎么读,发音,例句,用法和解释由查查在线词典提供,版权所有违者必究。
