About 5 years ago i used to get these really bad headaches , then they found out the cause and i need glasses 我意味,他们开掘在临时雇员之外他们再到达根,或他们正义工作在它吗
They are popular with the people . we will cooperate hand in hand wholehearted , dig man - made plant wild arket together 我们亦将竭诚与各客商携手合作,共同开掘国内人造植物的广阔市场。
We built a stream , later named the " river of love " , symbolizing master s endless flow of love for all sentient beings 此外,又开掘了一条新河,取名为爱河,象徵师父对宇宙众生源源不绝的爱。
Absurd and odd language , genuine and serious theme : on the cultural significance of the witchcraft motif in the historical novels by eryue - he 论二月河清帝系列小说对巫幻母题内涵开掘的文化意义
The poet condemns evils , evils not defined by legal provisions , but by what breaks out of the depth of human nature 诗人歌颂理想,不出于理智的判断,不出于刹那的幻想而为由人性的深奥处所开掘者。
The author ' s job here is to explore more resources for research in the history of ideas , particularly , for creation in chinese philosophy 作者的努力,是为观念史研究,特别是中国哲学创作,勘测可供开掘的矿藏。
But the depth of a novel is deep or not , or whether its art and thoughts have their own forte definitely dosen ' t depen on how impotant its theme is 但一部小说开掘的深不深,艺术和思想是否有过人之处,的确不在题材大小
It has a manipulator hand containing drilling and cutting tools that allow the robot to retrieve samples of rock from the ocean bed 这种机器有一个操作臂,其中包括了钻头和开掘工具,使得机器人可以从深海海底回收岩石样品。
Of the 700 - odd grottoes carved during the 1 , 600 years , big ones may be as large as halls while small ones are but one meter square 1600年间,不同朝代开掘的700多个洞窟大的如同礼堂,小的一米见方,高低、深浅和形制更是彼此迥异。
Besides , i wished to touch no deep - thrilling chord - to open no fresh well of emotion in his heart : my sole present aim was to cheer him 此外,我不想去拨动那剧烈震颤的心弦不想在他的心田开掘情感的新泉。我眼下的唯一目的是使他高兴。
开掘的韩语:[동사] (1)파다. 굴착하다. 开掘运河; 운하를 파다 开掘新的矿井; 새로운 갱도를 뚫다 (2)(문학·예술에서 제재·인물의 사상·현실 등을) 깊이 탐색하여 충분히 표현하다. 主题抓得准, 开掘得深; 주제를 정확히 파악하여 깊이 있게 표현하다 大胆地向生活真实进行开掘; 대담하게 생활의 진실을 탐구하다