庄稼 away-going crop; emblement; crops 种庄稼 grow crops; 这些庄稼遭到蝗灾。 these crops are attacked by locusts. 由于长期干旱, 庄稼歉收。 owing to the long drought, the crops have failed; 庄稼茬 stubble; 庄稼地 flat; field in crop; cropland; fields; farm land; 庄稼汉 farmer; peasant; 庄稼活儿 farm work; 庄稼人 peasant; farmer
种庄稼 till the land; be a farmer; plant crops 这一地区土地的地力都已耗尽, 不能再种庄稼了。 the whole area has been farmed out, and no crops will grow there now. 这块土地未种庄稼。 the land is out of crop
She is full of confidence in the future and willing to transfer what she has learned to her fellow villagers . by doing so , she expects to improve their awareness of soil conservation , and environment protection and help them to be better farmers 蓝姐对自己的未来充满了信心,并希望能将自己学到的知识告诉其他农民,帮助他们提高保护土壤和环境的认识,做一个好的庄稼人!
He convinces wu yuanyin charlie young and han zhibang lu yi from the village to travel with him to the far away and mystical mount heaven in order to seek help from master shadow - glow ma jingwu , a hermit who is a master of swords and leads a group of disciples with unimaginable swordsmanship 武庄表面上住了一批庄稼人,实则是反清组织天地会分舵人马。路见不平的侠医傅青主要解武庄之危,毅然带著一对武庄男女武元英和韩志邦上天山求助。
Mrs crick congratulated tess on the shilly - shallying having at last come to an end , and said that directly she set eyes on tess she divined that she was to be the chosen one of somebody who was no common outdoor man ; tess had looked so superior as she walked across the barton on that afternoon of her arrival ; that she was of a good family she could have sworn 克里克太太为苔丝祝贺,说她结婚的日子定了下来,也不用再着急了。她还说打第一眼看见苔丝起,她就认为娶苔丝的人决不是一个普通的庄稼人那天苔丝回来时,她走过场院的神情让人看上去就是一个贵人的样子,她敢发誓苔丝是一个大户人家的女儿。
Arranged successively in ascending powers of hierarchical order , that of gardener , groundsman , cultivator , breeder , and at the zenith of his career , resident magistrate or justice of the peace with a family crest and coat of arms and appropriate classical motto semper paratus , duly recorded in the court directory bloom , leopold p . , m . p . , p . c . , k . p . , l . l . d . honoris cause , bloomville , dundrum and mentioned in court and fashionable intelligence mr and mrs leopold bloom have left kingstown for england 按照越往上权利越大的等级制度顺序,他曾经是园丁庄稼人耕作者牲畜繁殖家仕途的高峰是地方长官或治安推事。他拥有家徽和盾形纹章以及与之相称的拉丁文家训时刻准备着,他的名字正式记载于宫廷人名录252中布卢姆,利奥波德保,下院议员,枢密顾问官,圣巴特里克勋级爵士253 ,名誉法学博士。