- 收 put away; take in
- 庄稼 away-going crop; emblement; ...
- 提出 put forward; raise; project; ...
- 使 send; tell sb. to do sth.
- 收 Ⅰ动词1.(把摊开的或分散的事物聚集、合拢) put away; take in 收工具 put the tools away; 劳驾把这些东西收走。 will you please put those things away? 洗的衣服收了没有? have you brought in the washing?2.(收取) collect 收废品 collect scrap; 收水电费 collect water and electricity bills; 收税 collect taxes; 向房客收房租 collect rent from tenants; 他到各个办公室去收会费。 he went round the various offices to collect the dues.3.(收割) harvest; gather in 用联合收割机收稻子 harvest rice with combines; 暴风雨到来之前小麦已经收完了。 the wheat crop had been gathered in before the storm came. 这一年农场从1980年种的树上收了70万公斤桃子。 this year the farm gathered 700,000 kilograms of peaches from trees planted in 1980.4.(接; 接受; 容纳) receive; accept 请把它作为一件礼物收下。 please accept it as a present. 我刚收到一份电报。 i've just received a telegram. 学校今年又收了一批研究生。 the college has enrolled another group of research students this year. 这本词典共收词8万余条。 the dictionary contains over 80,000 entries.5.(收缩) close 伤收口了。 the wound has healed.6.(约束; 控制) restrain; control 孩子玩得心都收不回来了。the boy can't get his mind off play.7.(结束; 停止)bring to an end;stop:时间不早了, 今天就收了吧。it's getting late. let's call it a day.Ⅱ名词1.(收获) harvest 丰收 bumper harvest; 秋收 autumn harvest2.(收入) money received; receipts; income 税收 tax revenue
- 庄稼 away-going crop; emblement; crops 种庄稼 grow crops; 这些庄稼遭到蝗灾。 these crops are attacked by locusts. 由于长期干旱, 庄稼歉收。 owing to the long drought, the crops have failed; 庄稼茬 stubble; 庄稼地 flat; field in crop; cropland; fields; farm land; 庄稼汉 farmer; peasant; 庄稼活儿 farm work; 庄稼人 peasant; farmer
- 发/收 t/r transnlit/receive
- 进来;收 get in (crops / taxes)
- 使 Ⅰ动词1.(派遣; 支使) send; tell sb. to do sth.: 使人去打听消息 send sb. to make inquiries2.(用; 使用) use; employ; apply 使化肥 use chemical fertilizer; 心往一处想, 劲往一处使 with everyone's thoughts and efforts directed towards one [the same] goal; 我们贮存的火柴使完了。 our stock of matches is used up. 我使一下你的小刀好吗? may i use your knife for a while? 这支笔很好使。 this pen writes well [nicely].3.(让; 叫; 致使) make; cause; enable 使高山低头 , 叫河水让路 make the mountains bow and the rivers give way; 使每个学生在德、智、体几方面都能得到发展 enable every student to develop morally, intellectually and physically; 修改原计划使之适合于新的情况 revise the original plan so as to gear it to the need of the new situation; 寒冷的天气使树叶变红了。 the cold weather turned the leaves red. 热情使他的头脑不够冷静。 he was carried away by his enthusiasm. 什么使你这样想呢? what makes you think so? 他的话使在场的人都受到感动。 his words moved everyone present. 他妻子的死使他伤心已极。 the death of his wife almost broke his heart. 突然的暴雨会使山洪暴发。 sudden rainstorms would bring the mountain torrents rushing down. 虚心使人进步, 骄傲使人落后。 modesty helps one to go forward [make progress], conceit makes one lag behind. 这使他们处境很尴尬。 this put them in a very awkward position.Ⅱ名词1.(奉使命办事的人) envoy; messenger 出使国外 be accredited to a certain country; be sent abroad as an envoy; 特命全权公使 an envoy extraordinary and minister plenipotentiary; 总统派了一名特使参加和平谈判。 the president sent a special envoy to the peace talks.2.(姓氏) a surname 使典 shi dianⅢ连词(假如) if; supposing 纵使 even if; even though
- 收20块 citibank
- 收、放线设备 pay off and take up equipment
- 收获;收(税等);抵达 get in
- 收集,收(税等),领走 collect
- 秋庄稼 autumn crops
- 收成;庄稼 crop
- 收庄稼 gather in the harvest
- 种庄稼 till the land; be a farmer; plant crops 这一地区土地的地力都已耗尽, 不能再种庄稼了。 the whole area has been farmed out, and no crops will grow there now. 这块土地未种庄稼。 the land is out of crop
- 庄稼;收成 crop
- 庄稼茬 stubble
- 庄稼地 field in crop
- 庄稼汉 clodhopper; plowboy; yokel
- 庄稼人 hodge; kyntaja
- 收割,陷入,研究;进站;收 get in
- (使)积压,(使)拥塞 back up