这一地区土地的地力都已耗尽不能再种庄稼了 the whole area has been farmed out and no crops will grow there now
庄稼 away-going crop; emblement; crops 种庄稼 grow crops; 这些庄稼遭到蝗灾。 these crops are attacked by locusts. 由于长期干旱, 庄稼歉收。 owing to the long drought, the crops have failed; 庄稼茬 stubble; 庄稼地 flat; field in crop; cropland; fields; farm land; 庄稼汉 farmer; peasant; 庄稼活儿 farm work; 庄稼人 peasant; farmer
The whole area has been farmed out , and no crops will grow there now . 这一地区土地的地力都已耗尽,不能再种庄稼了。
She surveyed what crops were grown, what animals there were, and analysed without difficulty the causes of their poverty . 他调查了一下所种庄稼的种类,牲畜的数目,於是一下子就分析出了他们贫困的原因。
If you can grow vegetables , you ' ll never starve , though 如果你种庄稼,你不会饿死
Where there is no rain , farming is difficult or impossible 哪里没有雨水,种庄稼是很难的或者是不可能的。
But some people do not like that he uses genetically engineered crops at all 但是很多人不赞同他使用基因工程方法来种庄稼。
After producing crops on the field for many years , we let it lie fallow now 我们在这块田里种庄稼己好多年了,现在我们要让它休耕。
Before sowing or planting crops , rough ground must be cleaned and weeds removed 在播种或种庄稼之前,必须将土地清理平整并将杂草铲除。
But for many small farmers , the cost of treating the soil is more than they earn from their crops 但对许多小农户来说,改善土质的成本要比他们种庄稼的收入还多。
Large areas of land , which formerly grew tobaccos , will now produce grai to feed some starving people in the world 种植烟草的大量土地将被用来种庄稼以满足饥饿者的需要。