

  • gather in the harvest



  • 例句与用法
  • But he employs more men for the harvest
  • He knew they were busy betting in the harvest . he might as well go and join them
  • He pulled it behind a little ford tractor with a wagon hooked on the back
  • The harvest - men rose from the shock of corn , and stretched their limbs , and extinguished their pipes
  • After a long seclusion she had come to a resolve to undertake outdoor work in her native village , the busiest season of the year in the agricultural world having arrived , and nothing that she could do within the house being so remunerative for the time as harvesting in the fields
  • The narrow lane of stubble encompassing the field grew wider with each circuit , and the standing corn was reduced to smaller area as the morning wore on . rabbits , hares , snakes , rats , mice , retreated inwards as into a fastness , unaware of the ephemeral nature of their refuge , and of the doom that awaited them later in the day when , their covert shrinking to a more and more horrible narrowness , they were huddled together , friends and foes , till the last few yards of upright wheat fell also under the teeth of the unerring reaper , and they were every one put to death by the sticks and stones of the harvesters
  • She could not understand why , stepping out of the window on to the balcony , he smiled under his moustaches and winked so gleefully when a warm , fine rain began to fall on his young oats that were suffering from the drought , or why , when a menacing cloud blew over in mowing or harvest time , he would come in from the barn red , sunburnt , and perspiring , with the smell of wormwood in his hair , and rubbing his hands joyfully would say : come , another day of this and my lot , and the peasants too , will all be in the barn
    当他看见温顺的细雨洒在干旱的燕麦苗上时,他从窗口走到阳台上,眨着眼,咧开留着胡髭的嘴唇,她无法明了他怎么会笑得那么开心。在割草或者收庄稼的时候,满天乌云被风吹散,他的脸晒得又红又黑汗水淋淋,身上带着一股苦艾和野菊的气味,从打谷场回来,这时,她不能理解为什么他总是高兴地搓着手说“再有一天,我们的粮食和农民的粮食都可以入仓了” 。
  • Some tens of thousands of men lay sacrificed in various postures and uniforms on the fields and meadows belonging to the davidov family and the crown serfs , on those fields and meadows where for hundreds of years the peasants of borodino , gorky , shevardino , and semyonovskoye had harvested their crops and grazed their cattle
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