put on a long face; go around with a long face; a wosbegone look; disconsolately; one looks mournful as if in bereavement.; one's face was glum.; wear [pull] a long face; with a mournful face
When they borrow a chaw they don t generly cut it off with a knife , but set the plug in between their teeth , and gnaw with their teeth and tug at the plug with their hands till they get it in two ; then sometimes the one that owns the tobacco looks mournful at it when it s handed back , and says , sarcastic : " here , gimme the chaw , and you take the plug . 他们借到一口烟的时候,往往并非是用小刀切开,而是放在上下的牙中间,一边用手撕扯,撕成了两片有时候这块烟叶的本主,在人家还给他的时候,不免哭丧着脸,带着挖苦的口气说: “好啊,把你嚼的一口还给我,把这片叶子给你吧。 ”