

[ nánshènánfēn ] 发音:   "难舍难分"的汉语解释   用"难舍难分"造句
  • find it difficult to tear apart; be loath to part from each other; can hardly bear to tear oneself away; cannot bear to part from each other; (they) could not be torn apart.; find it very hard to part with...; (they) lingered, hardly able to part.: 乡亲们送红军, 真是难舍难分。 the villagers could hardly tear themselves away from the departing red army men


    更多例句:  下一页
  1. She did not in the least miss him .
  2. These two felt unutterably bound to each other .
  3. Their interests were also bound up indissolubly with his own .
  4. The villagers could hardly tear themselves away from the departing red army men .
  5. I have never pretended to himor to youthat i feel for him the strong love that has bound us .




        难舍难分地:    indissolubly
        乡亲们送红军真是难舍难分:    the villagers could hardly tear themselves away from the departing red army men
        难分难舍:    cannot bear to part from each other; find it difficult to tear apart
        难舍:    loath to part from each other; reluctant to separate
        难分:    x-345
        情难舍:    sensa tion hard to keep; star 80
        舍难就易:    choose the easier [lighter] task [way]
        亲情难舍:    imaginary crime; the squid and the whale
        真情难舍:    at first sight
        高下难分:    very hard to tell which is better
        难分辨的:    indistinguishable
        难分伯仲:    too close to call
        难分高低:    hard to tell which is better
        难分骨肉情:    blood is thicker than water
        难分解精矿:    hard to open concentrate; hard-to-open concentrate
        难分解物质:    recalcitrant substance
        难分难解:    lock
        难分难解的:    tight
        难分难离:    zero degrees of separation
        难分上下:    hard to tell which is better
        难解难分:    1.(双方相持不下) be inextricably involved (in a dispute); be locked together (in a struggle); neither would give in; neither can get the upper hand 两军厮杀, 难解难分。 the two opposing armies are locked in battle.2.(关系密切)be sentimentally attached to each other;cannot bear to part with each other:把他们结合起来的力量越来越强, 这就使得他们难解难分了。 what unites them is becoming stronger and stronger and is making them wellnigh inseparable
        胜负难分:    the winner or loser cannot be distinguished yet.; the battle hung in the balance
        有口难分:    find it hard [difficult] to vindicate oneself; be hard to explain
        灾难分析:    disaster analysis
        难生物降解的:    nonbiodegradable
        难上加难, 做办不到的事:    heap pelion upon ossa; pile pelion upon ossa


        难舍难分的法语:avoir beaucoup de peine à se séparer
        难舍难分的日语:(1)(取っ組み合いをして)引き分けることができない状態にある.試合などでなかなか勝負がつかない形容. (2)(男女が)別れることができない,手を切ることができない,別れるのがつらい.▼“难分难舍”ともいう.
        难舍难分的韩语:【성어】 연연해하며 헤어지기 싫어하다. 차마 떨어지지 못하다. 乡亲们送他们, 真是难舍难分; 고향 사람들은 그들을 전송하면서, 정말 헤어지기 싫어했다 =[难分难解(2)] [难分难舍] [难离难舍] [难舍难离]
        难舍难分的俄语:pinyin:nánshènánfēn никак не бросить (не расстаться); любезный сердцу, милый; неотлучный, неразлучимый
        难舍难分什么意思:nán shě nán fēn 【解释】形容关系密切,感情融洽,难以取舍 【出处】老舍《老张的哲学》:“这样难舍难分的洒泪而别。” 【示例】他们真是有点~的 【拼音码】nsnf 【灯谜面】刀砍大海水 【用法】联合式;作谓语、定语、宾语;指感情深厚


  1. "难乳"英文
  2. "难色"英文
  3. "难上加难"英文
  4. "难上加难, 做办不到的事"英文
  5. "难舍"英文
  6. "难舍难分地"英文
  7. "难生物降解的"英文
  8. "难生物降解有机物"英文
  9. "难十倍都不止"英文
  10. "难石石裂"英文


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