这: this可是: but; yet; however经典: classics听是经典: hear the sutra真是经典: it’s a classic这可是关键时刻: this is the big moment这可是磨嘴皮子的事: it'll take a hell of talking to settle this. jabber这可是细活不能瞎糊弄: this is a delicate job. it mustn't be done carelessly这个是经典的缩写了: oh my god! omfg f-word出卖(这可是比上面那个词更要严重的了~~): betray跟在我的马后面,这可是我第一次骑马: walk beside the pony daddy, it’s my first ride.”daddy,这可是个千载难逢的好机会阿: this is a chance once in a blue moon这可是细活不能有一星半点差错: this is a high precision job. there mustn't be the slightest slip可是: but; yet; however 我很想和你一块儿去, 可是我忙不过来。 i'd like to go with you; however, my hands are full. 这房间虽小, 可是很安静。 the room is small but very quiet这可眠: quinalbarbitone经典: 1.(具有权威性的著作) classics 经典作家 writer of classics; author of classics; 一部不朽的经典著作 an eternal classic; 《共产党宣言》是历史上最伟大的经典著作之一。 the manifesto of the communist party is one of the greatest classics of history.2.(宗教教义著作) scriptures 佛教经典 buddhist scriptures3.(著作具有权威性的) classical 马克思主义经典著作 marxist classics; classical works of marxism; 经典文献 classical documents; classics这可不是: it ain't这可不行: that won’t do这可能有错: it may be wrong但是,可是: but可是,然而: and yet可是;但是: but虽然,可是: though五是经济联盟: economic union eu排除这可能性: rule out the possibility