这: this可是: but; yet; however细活: a job requiring fine workman ...不能: cannot; must not; should not ...瞎: become blind糊弄: fool; deceive; palm sth. off ...这可是细活不能有一星半点差错: this is a high precision job. there mustn't be the slightest slip这可是经典: laylielaidlainain这可是关键时刻: this is the big moment这可不能怨我: don't blame me i'm innocent糊弄: [方言]1.(欺骗) fool; deceive; palm sth. off on 你别糊弄我。 don't try to fool me.2.(将就) go through the motions; be slipshod in work 这可是细活, 不能瞎糊弄。 this is a delicate job. it mustn't be done carelessly细活: a job requiring fine workmanship or meticulous care; skilled work; neat work这可是磨嘴皮子的事: it'll take a hell of talking to settle this. jabber可是他却不能给我 ,: and what he couldn’t give me出卖(这可是比上面那个词更要严重的了~~): betray跟在我的马后面,这可是我第一次骑马: walk beside the pony daddy, it’s my first ride.”daddy,这可是个千载难逢的好机会阿: this is a chance once in a blue moon你的生活不能离开我: you couldn't live without me可是: but; yet; however 我很想和你一块儿去, 可是我忙不过来。 i'd like to go with you; however, my hands are full. 这房间虽小, 可是很安静。 the room is small but very quiet可是我不能喝西北风! (可是我需要钱呀!): laura: but i need the money糊弄吃: dd-diy-21p糊弄人: throw someone off the scent可是我不能接受这个职务: in a word while the prospects are bright the road has twists and turns细活儿: quality work在贫民窟的生活不能说不错: life in tha hood is all good for nobody