- settle down and make a living; stay at a place and find a way to make one's living
- 落脚: stay; stop over; put up
- 谋生: earn one's livelihood; make ...
- 落脚: stay; stop over; put up 在客店落脚 put up at an inn; 落脚之地 a place where one can stop for a rest or live temporarily; 在朋友家临时落脚 stay with friends for the time being; 落脚处 temporary lodging
- 谋生: seek a livelihood; earn one's living; make a living 谋生的手段 a means of life; 无以谋生 live on nothing; 他很早就开始自行谋生。 he began to earn a living early
- 落脚处: temporary lodging