

[ pángēnjiùdǐ ] 发音:   "盘根究底"的汉语解释   用"盘根究底"造句
  • try to get to the heart of a matter; get to the bottom of the [an] affair; inquire deeply into sth
  • 盘根究底try:    to get to the heart of a matter transfer
  • 归根究底:    after all is said and done
  • 刨根究底:    inquire into the root of the matter; bombard someone with questions; dig out the bottom truth [cause]; get to the root [bottom] of the matter
  • 穷根究底:    get to the bottom of it all; get down to bedrock; get to the bottom of the matter; go into the whys and wherefores of it; have the why and the wherefore; inquire thoroughly into; investigate thoroughly; probe to the bottom; search into the truth of; sift the matter to the bottom
  • 寻根究底:    inquire deeply into; get [probe] to the bottom of (the business); investigate thoroughly; penetrate into (the secret of) origins; get beneath the skin [surface] of things; find by hard and thorough search; make an exhaustive probing into; trace sth. into its source


  1. He was asking probing questions .
  2. His sharp, probing questions showed a quickness of mind .
  3. His sharp, probing questions showed a quickness of mind .


        盘根究底try:    to get to the heart of a matter transfer
        归根究底:    after all is said and done
        刨根究底:    inquire into the root of the matter; bombard someone with questions; dig out the bottom truth [cause]; get to the root [bottom] of the matter
        穷根究底:    get to the bottom of it all; get down to bedrock; get to the bottom of the matter; go into the whys and wherefores of it; have the why and the wherefore; inquire thoroughly into; investigate thoroughly; probe to the bottom; search into the truth of; sift the matter to the bottom
        寻根究底:    inquire deeply into; get [probe] to the bottom of (the business); investigate thoroughly; penetrate into (the secret of) origins; get beneath the skin [surface] of things; find by hard and thorough search; make an exhaustive probing into; trace sth. into its source
        追根究底:    go into the whys and wherefores of it; get to the bottom of it all; get to the bottom of the affair; get to the bottom of sth.; have the why and the wherefore; inquire deep into ...; inquire into the root [cause] of the matter; make a thorough investigation into ...; probe to the bottom of ..
        好追根究底的:    inquisitive
        追根究底的人:    pryer
        刺探者,追根究底的人:    prier
        询问的, 打听的, 爱追根究底的:    inquiring
        根究:    (彻底追究) make a thorough investigation of; get to the bottom of; probe into 根究缘由 probe into the cause
        盘根:    airtight packing; packing set
        泵盘根:    pumpacking
        磨盘根:    indian abution root
        盘根盒:    packing box; packing kit; tight head
        形盘根:    chevron packing
        根究缘由:    probe into the cause
        抽油直盘根:    rod packing
        阀门盘根:    ale packing; valve packing
        光杆盘根盒:    polished rod stuffing box
        径向盘根:    radial packing
        拉杆盘根:    piston rod packing
        老树盘根:    entangle roots
        盘根错节:    with twisted [coiled] roots and gnarled branches; a complicated affair; a great tangled root system; complicated and difficult to deal with; deeply involved social and political factors; deep-rooted; entangling alliancess with other countries; interwining roots forming an intricate mass; (as) the tree roots are twined together -- a difficult and confused affair; with twisting roots and intercrossing branches
        盘根盒式套管头:    stuffing box casing head
        盘根式油管头:    braden-head


        盘根究底的法语:chercher à découvrir la cause de qc
        盘根究底的韩语:【성어】 일의 근본을 끝까지 캐다.
        盘根究底的俄语:pinyin:pángēnjiùdǐ докапываться до самых корней; досконально выяснять
        盘根究底什么意思:pán gēn jiū dǐ 【解释】盘问、追究事情的根由。 【拼音码】pgjd 【用法】联合式;作谓语、宾语;指盘问、追究事情的根由 【英文】ask in detail


  1. "盘根"英文
  2. "盘根错节"英文
  3. "盘根盖盒"英文
  4. "盘根盒"英文
  5. "盘根盒式套管头"英文
  6. "盘根究底try"英文
  7. "盘根式油管头"英文
  8. "盘根问底"英文
  9. "盘根压盖"英文
  10. "盘根压盖帽"英文


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