查根问底: investigate thoroughly刨根问底: get to the bottom of sth追根问底: raise one question after another盘根: airtight packing; packing set泵盘根: pumpacking磨盘根: indian abution root盘根盒: packing box; packing kit; tight head形盘根: chevron packing寻根问祖-百家姓: look for抽油直盘根: rod packing阀门盘根: ale packing; valve packing光杆盘根盒: polished rod stuffing box径向盘根: radial packing拉杆盘根: piston rod packing老树盘根: entangle roots盘根错节: with twisted [coiled] roots and gnarled branches; a complicated affair; a great tangled root system; complicated and difficult to deal with; deeply involved social and political factors; deep-rooted; entangling alliancess with other countries; interwining roots forming an intricate mass; (as) the tree roots are twined together -- a difficult and confused affair; with twisting roots and intercrossing branches盘根盖盒: gland盘根究底: try to get to the heart of a matter; get to the bottom of the [an] affair; inquire deeply into sth盘根究底try: to get to the heart of a matter transfer盘根压盖: packing gland盘根压盖帽: packing gland nut软木盘根: cork packing石棉盘根: asbestos packing水泵盘根: water pump packing盘根式油管头: braden-head盘根足虫亚纲: labyrinthulia