有关: have sth. to do with; have a ...主题: theme; subject; topical subj ...有关主管机构: authority concerned有关主管机关: administration concerned佛教相关主题列表: list of buddhist topics数学相关主题列表: list of mathematics articles索更多相关主题的帖: alguien soy yo同性恋相关主题列表: list of lgbt-related topics履行审批职责的有关主管部门: the relevant responsible authorities with the duty of approvals主题: theme; subject; topical [key] subject; motif 诗的主题 the subject of a poem; 作品的主题思想 the theme of a literary work; 你的发言稍微偏离了我们讨论会的主题。 your talk is a little aside from the subject of our disussion. 这部小说的主题之一是爱国主义。 one of the major themes of the novel is patriotism.; 主题词 subject terms [word]; 主题词表 thesaurus; 主题法 derivative [subject] indexing; 主题歌 [电影] theme song; 主题句 proposition; topic sentence; 主题演讲 key-note speech你要收集有关这一主题的材料: spend plenty of time doing your research报关主管: customs supervisor闭关主义: closed-cloorism公关主管: public relations supervisor公关主任: press manager网关主机: gateway host有关: have sth. to do with; have a bearing on; relate to; concern; be in [with] relation to; involve; have relations with; in the way of; in [with] regard to; be connected with; in connection with; be [get; keep] in with 有关地理方面的书籍 books about geography; 有关人员 persons concerned; 有关全局 have a bearing on the situation as a whole; 这些问题都跟哲学有关。 all these questions relate to philosophy. 这与你有关。 this has sth. to do with you.; 有关部门 the department concerned; 有关当局 the authorities concerned; the proper authorities; 有关当事人 the party concerned; 有关方面 the parties concerned; 有关事实 relevant facts; 有关文件 the relevant documents; 有关证件 pertinent certificate; 有关证据 relevant testimony; 有关主管机关 competent authority; 有关组织 related organization有关人员进行了热烈的交谈,主题是最新消息: the officers were carrying on an animated conversation, the subject of which was the latest news: the death of general sletpsov报关员,报关主任: customs clearance officer民族闭关主义: national isolationism行政机关主管: secretaries of large agencies控制开关主令开关: control switch按主题: by subject副主题: subtopic有关住房的规定: rules of the house有关注意事项: matters needing attention