报关: declare sth. at the customs; ...主管: be responsible for; be in ch ...报关员,报关主任: customs clearance officer公关主管: public relations supervisor行政机关主管: secretaries of large agencies有关主管机构: authority concerned有关主管机关: administration concerned履行审批职责的有关主管部门: the relevant responsible authorities with the duty of approvals报关: (向海关申报) declare sth. at the customs; apply to the customs; clearance of goods; customs clearance; entry 进口报关 customs entry; 你有什么东西需要报关的吗? have you got anything to declare?; 报关单 bill of entry ; customs declaration; application to pass goods through the customs; manifest; bill of entry; report; declaration form; 报关费 customs clearing charges [fee]; 报关港口 port of entry; 报关行 agent for clearing customs; customs broker; customs house broker; 报关人 declarant; 报关证书 customs clearance certificate主管: 1.(负责管理) be responsible for; be in charge of 他受命主管这个部门。 he was placed in charge of the department.2.(主管人员) person in charge 谁是这里的主管? who is in charge here?; 主管部门 competent department; department in charge; authorities concerned; power of authorities in charge; departments responsible for the work; controlling body; 主管工程师 engineer in charge; 主管机关 competent authorities; responsible institution; 主管者 executive闭关主义: closed-cloorism公关主任: press manager网关主机: gateway host有关主题: related topics报关单: application to pass goods through the customs (notice,report); be bill of entry; bill of sight; cd; customs declaration (adhesive/ non-adhesive); customs declaration form; customs declaration,c/d; customs formalities; customs invoice; customs manifest; customsformalities; entry manifest; goods through the custom报关费: clef clearance fee; customs charges; customs cleanance fee; customs clearance fee; customs clearing charges; customs clearing fee; customs fee; customsclearancefee; declaration charge报关人: declarant报关行: a brokerage firm; chb (customs house broker); custom broker; custom house broker; customhouse broker; customs agency; customs broker; customs house broker―chb; declaration house报关员: customs declarer; customs specialist; customsdeclarer; declarant; radio officer(operator)申报;报关: declaration民族闭关主义: national isolationism进口报关;进口报关单: import declaration贸易报关;贸易报关单: trade declaration佛教相关主题列表: list of buddhist topics控制开关主令开关: control switch