你: you要: important; essential收集: collect; gather有关: have sth. to do with; have a ...这: this一: one主题: theme; subject; topical subj ...的: 4次方是 The fourth power of 2 i ...材料: material有关这问题的著作: work on this subject收集有关中国官员的情报: spy on chinese officials想要收集: would like to correct我丝毫没有听到有关这个问题的任何传闻: i have not heard the slightest rumour on the subject第一主题: first subject统一主题: unity theme; unitythemee有关这一连串的战役的叙述常常被加以美化: accounts of this series of battles have often been prettified主题的: thematic搜集有关资料: collecting relevant data面向主题的: subject-oriented gophers无主题的: subjectless主题的转移: meta-basis有关的,切题的: relevant剥蚀的材料: denuded material边石的材料: curbing粗糙的材料: material of coarse fibre