对: answer; reply不幸: misfortune; adversity的: 4次方是 The fourth power of 2 i ...爱: love不幸者: wretch n体谅不幸者: temper the wind to the shorn lamb希望他人不幸者: ill-wisher受害者的爱: victim of love藏书癖者的爱情: the love affairs of a bibliomaniac对不动隐藏者的k弧搜索: k-arc search for an immobile hider对不动隐藏者的平面搜索: plane search for an immobile hider; planesearchforanimmobilehider对不动隐藏者的树形搜索: tree search for an immobile hider对不动隐藏者的搜索: search for an immobile hider; searchforanimmobilehider不幸: 1.(灾祸) misfortune; adversity 人生的种种不幸 the various ills of life2.(不希望发生而发生的) unfortunately 不幸而言中。 the prediction has unfortunately come ture.; unfortunately, the words have proved true.3.(不幸运; 使人失望、伤心、痛苦的) unfortunate; unlucky; sad 不幸的消息 sad news不巧, 不幸: in an ill hour不幸;灾难: misfortune不幸;障碍: mischance不幸的: abjective; accursed; adverse; calamitous; disastrous; distressful; fatal; fortuneless; hapless; ill-fated; ill-starred; infelicitous; luckless; miserable; star-crossed; unblessed; unblest; unchancy; unfortunately; unha y; unhappy; unlucky; untoward不幸地: evil; fatally; haplessly; infelicitously; unfortunately; unha ily; unhappily; unluckily不幸福: unhappiness不幸运: without luck贫困, 不幸: be ill off灾难,不幸: adversity; bale; calamity; disaster遭不幸: come to harm真不幸: misery