对: answer; reply不: a block of wood动: harness cause disorder stir ...隐藏者: concealer的: 4次方是 The fourth power of 2 i ...搜索: search for; ferret about; hu ...对不动隐藏者的k弧搜索: k-arc search for an immobile hider对不动隐藏者的平面搜索: plane search for an immobile hider; planesearchforanimmobilehider对不动隐藏者的树形搜索: tree search for an immobile hider对机动隐藏者的搜索: search for a mobile hider; searchforamobilehider对活动隐藏者的离散搜索: discrete search for a mobile hider; discretesearchforamobilehider对机动隐藏者的圆形搜索: circle search for a mobile hider隐藏者: access hidder; concealer; the hidden ones自动隐藏: auto-hide徒劳的搜索: a wild-goose chase有回音的搜索: polite search光标自动隐藏延时: cursor timeout对行巫者的搜捕: witch-hunt隐藏搜索栏: navbar对不幸者的爱: love for the unfortunate对移动目标的搜索: search for a moving target; searchforamovingtarget基于关键字的搜索: keyword-based text search空中目标的搜索: aircraft target acquisition输出的搜索损失: outputhuntingloss提供的搜索结果: ixquick