对: answer; reply不准上诉: unappealable的: 4次方是 The fourth power of 2 i ...直接: direct; immediate申诉: appeal; complain对拖延审判的直接申诉: direct complaint for delay of justice不准上诉: disallowance of appeal直接申诉股: direct appeals unit上诉的: appellant; appellate上诉的;上诉人: appellant对不准: misregsitration申诉的机会: day in court不得上诉的: inappellable不可上诉的: unappealable可上诉的: appealable上诉的功能: effects of an appeal上诉的权利: appeal right; right of appeal上诉的诉可: leave to appeal上诉的许可: leave to appeal受理上诉的: appellate申诉的权利, 请愿权: right of petition向法院申诉的权利: access to court不许上诉的惩罚: poena sine provocatione; poenasineprovocatione放弃上诉的权利: waiver of right to appear上诉的两种效能: both effects of an appeal