实现: realize; achieve; bring abou ...科技英语: scientific English语: tell; inform篇: a piece of writing语体: type of writing; style特征: characteristic; trait; featu ...的: 4次方是 The fourth power of 2 i ...有效: effective; valid; efficaciou ...途径: road; avenue; way; channel; ...科技英语的文体特征: stylistic features of english for science and technology科技英语语篇中的词汇同现: lexical collocation of est discourse试论科技英语的文体特征及汉译要点: on the stylistic features and key points of chinese translation of sci- tech english谈科技英语语言学特征问题: on the linguistic characteristics of english for science and technology教师自我完善的有效途径: reflective teaching: a practical way of teachers' professional development资本积累的有效途径: efficient paths of capital accumulation英语导游词语体特征研究: a research on the linguistic features of english tour guide speech有效途径: effective approach; effective way; efficient path常见科技英语语法结构: structure study material英语语体学中: miss = ms英语委婉语的表现手法及语体特征: the showing means of english euphemism and stylistic features科技英语: english for science and technology; est; scientific english; scientific news科技英语语域及其语言特点: the register of english in science and its language features资本积累有效途径: efficient paths of capital accumulation科技英语翻译: translatuion of technical english科技英语基础: elementary scientific english; scientific english