

发音:   用"实现利润"造句


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  1. Also called unrealized gain or unrealized profit or paper gain or paper profit
  2. The goal of financial institutions is to maximize the risk - adjusted returns to shareholders
  3. The grain storage business income is 57 . 57074 billion rmb in 2002 , with 11 . 93 million rmb profit
  4. The role of sales is to capitalize on that interest to the point where there ‘ s a successful exchange
  5. When so we say to be equal to limit cost when limit accrual , the enterprise can realize gain the biggest change


        实现:    realize; achieve; bring abou ...
        利润:    profit
        未实现利润:    unrealized profit
        已实现利润:    profit realized; realized profit
        已实现利润或污损:    realized profit or loss
        实现利率:    realized interest rate
        实现利益:    profit realized; profits realized
        未实现利益:    paper gain; unrealized profits
        已实现利益:    realized profit
        未实现利得和亏损:    realized and unrealized profit and loss
        已实现利得和亏损:    realized and unrealized profitand loss
        已实现利益, 实际收入:    realized income
        已赚得利润;变现利益:    realized profit
        利润的实现:    realization of profit
        利润实现:    realization of profit
        实现(目标)获得(利润):    realize
        实现(目标等);获得(利润):    realize
        未实现的利润:    profit on paper
        已实现的利润:    profits realized
        纸上利润, 未实现的利润:    profit on paper
        实现:    realize; achieve; bring about; come true; effectuation; enforce 实现改革 bring about a reform; 实现利润 profit realized; 实现四化 accomplish [realize] the four modernizations; 实现社会风气的根本好转 bring about a fundamental turn for the better in the standard of social couduct; 实现祖国统一 reunify the motherland; 成功地实现一个目标 successfully achieve an end; 实现平衡预算 achieve a balanced budget; 所有这一切都不是一夜之间可以实现的。 all this cannot be achieved overnight.; 实现语言 implementation language
        利润:    profit 超额利润 superprofit; 企业的利润留成收入 portion of the profits kept by the enterprises for their own use; 税前利润 pre-tax profits; 上交利润 profit turned in to the state; that part of the profit turned over to the state; 这个行业利润不大。 the profits in this business are not large.; 利润包干额 fixed profit quotas; 利润保险 profit insurance; 利润差额 profit gap; 利润定额 profit quota; 利润额 amount of profit; 利润分成 profit-sharing; 利润分成制 profit-sharing system; 利润分配 appropriation of profits; distribution of profits; 利润分享有价证券 profit sharing securities; 利润分享预测 earnings per share forecasting; 利润还原资本 capitalized profits; 利润汇回本国 repatriation of profits; 利润计划 profit-planning; 利润计量 profit measurement; 利润税 profits tax; 利润损失保险 loss of profits insurance; 利润缩减 profit squeeze; 利润再投资 reinvested earnings; reinvested profits; plough back; 利润指标 profit norm; profit index; 利润 (分配)准备 profit reserve
        变现利益:    realized profit
        贴现利率:    rate of discount
        贴现利息:    discount charges; discount interest


  1. "实现经济效益、社会效益和环境效益的统一"英文
  2. "实现开发后应征税价值"英文
  3. "实现科技英语语篇语体特征的有效途径"英文
  4. "实现类"英文
  5. "实现利率"英文
  6. "实现利益"英文
  7. "实现立体感效果"英文
  8. "实现粮食自给自足"英文
  9. "实现两国邦交正常化"英文
  10. "实现两国的联合"英文


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