

  • implement interface wizard
  • 实现:    realize; achieve; bring abou ...
  • :    be situated between; interpo ...
  • 面向:    turn one's face to; turn in ...
  • :    lead; guide
  • 实现介面:    implement interface; implemented interfaces


        实现:    realize; achieve; bring abou ...
        :    be situated between; interpo ...
        面向:    turn one's face to; turn in ...
        :    lead; guide
        实现介面:    implement interface; implemented interfaces
        实现接口向导:    implement interface wizard
        面向对象的实现:    object oriented implementation
        介面:    api; directx; dte/dce interface; dvi; for gui; interface
        向导:    guide
        实现:    realize; achieve; bring about; come true; effectuation; enforce 实现改革 bring about a reform; 实现利润 profit realized; 实现四化 accomplish [realize] the four modernizations; 实现社会风气的根本好转 bring about a fundamental turn for the better in the standard of social couduct; 实现祖国统一 reunify the motherland; 成功地实现一个目标 successfully achieve an end; 实现平衡预算 achieve a balanced budget; 所有这一切都不是一夜之间可以实现的。 all this cannot be achieved overnight.; 实现语言 implementation language
        面向:    1.(朝着) turn one's face to; turn in the direction of; face 面向国旗庄严敬礼 stand facing the national flag and salute solemnly2.(使适合) be geared to the needs of; cater to 面向广大读者 be geared to the needs of reading public; 面向农村 be oriented towards rural areas; be geared to the needs of the countryside; face the countryside; 面向经济建设 gear one's professional activity to economic construction; be oriented to economic development; 面向应用 be oriented to application; 面向群众 towards the masses; 我们必须使我们的工作面向人民的需要。 we must orient our work to the needs of the people
        r介面:    r interface
        纯介面:    pure interface
        界面;介面:    interface
        路介面:    network interface
        双介面:    dual interface
        户向导:    guide
        类向导:    class wizard
        女向导:    conductress
        任向导:    guide
        向导rna:    guide rna
        向导报:    al fasha; al tayar; fasha al; pilot the; taing lone kyaw; tayar al; tayar, al
        向导船:    leader
        向导阀:    pilot valve
        向导箭:    guide arrow; guided arrow


  1. "实现接口向导"英文
  2. "实现阶段"英文
  3. "实现解放"英文
  4. "实现解释语言处理机"英文
  5. "实现介面"英文
  6. "实现经济"英文
  7. "实现经济的软着陆"英文
  8. "实现经济效益、社会效益和环境效益的统一"英文
  9. "实现开发后应征税价值"英文
  10. "实现科技英语语篇语体特征的有效途径"英文


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