去掉: do away with; get rid of; ab ...的: 4次方是 The fourth power of 2 i ...负担: bear; shoulder思想上的敞开: open思想上的毛病: ideological malady精神上的负担: have on one's mind思想上的条条框框: the trammels of conventional ideas不动产上的负担: encumbrances我们资源上的负担: a strain on our resources我的思想上的乔治亚州: georgia on my mind指导思想上的扰乱反正: chaosbeseitigung f.und wiederherstellung f.der ordnung in den leitgedanken保留数;不动产上的负担: encumbrances背上的猴子(难以摆脱的负担): monkey on one's back不动产上的负担之前: pre-encumbrance摆脱思想上和体制上的禁锢: to shake off ideological and structural shackles摆脱许多思想上和体体制上的禁锢: shake off ideological and structural shackles白人的负担: the white man's burden沉重的负担: a white elephant; heavy load; heavyload; incubus关税的负担: incidence of duty加重…的负担: burden 1减轻…的负担: reduce (lighten) the burden of (on); reduce the burden of解除……的负担: make free of梦想的负担: burden of dreams心脏的负担: cardiac cost思想上有反复: have ideological relapses