

  • internal trace table
  • 内部:    interior; inside; inward; in ...
  • 跟踪:    follow the tracks of; tail a ...
  • :    outside; surface; external
  • 内部跟踪结构:    built in system; built in tracing structure; built-in tracing structure
  • 跟踪表:    trace table


        内部:    interior; inside; inward; in ...
        跟踪:    follow the tracks of; tail a ...
        :    outside; surface; external
        内部跟踪结构:    built in system; built in tracing structure; built-in tracing structure
        跟踪表:    trace table
        局部跟踪:    local tracking
        太阳跟踪表面:    sun following surface
        任务追踪表:    task tracking list
        跟踪:    follow the tracks of; tail after; following; follow-up tracing; track; tracking; trail; lock-on; shadow sb.: 雪地跟踪 follow sb.'s tracks in the snow; 跟踪嫌疑犯 tail after a suspect; 跟踪敌舰 shadow the enemy warships; 跟踪走私集团 track down on a gang of smugglers; 跟踪缉捕 follow a clue and put sb. under arrest (as a thief)
        内部:    interior; inside; inward; indoor; depth; viscera; bowel; internal 内部联系 internal relations; 国家内部事务 the domestic affairs of a country; 人民内部矛盾 contradictions among the people; 事物的内部规律性 inherent laws of a thing; 堡垒是最容易从内部攻破的。 the easiest way to capture a fortress is from within.; 内部比率 internal ratio; 内部电话 house telephone; interphone; 内部结构 inwards; internal structure; [化学] inner structure; 内部刊物 restricted publication; 内部冷却 internal cooling; 内部矛盾 inner [internal] contradictions [conflicts]; 内部潜力 internal potential; 内部屈折 [语言学] internal flexion; internal inflexion; 内部缺陷 internal defect; 内部审计 internal audit; 内部消息 inside story; restricted news; 内部装修 inside finish
        需求对需求追踪表:    the traceability matrix of requirements v.s. requirements
        内部,内部的:    interior
        内部的,内部:    inner
        内部地;在内部:    internally
        边跟踪:    edge following
        电跟踪:    electric tracing
        反跟踪:    antitracking
        防跟踪:    antitracking
        非跟踪:    nontracking
        跟踪, 尾随:    follow about
        跟踪, 追随:    tail after
        跟踪, 追踪:    tracking
        跟踪,随动:    flw follow
        跟踪瓣:    tracking lobe
        跟踪包:    trace packet


  1. "内部感应电疗法"英文
  2. "内部钢丝"英文
  3. "内部钢丝(钢丝蝇中的),内索"英文
  4. "内部高度"英文
  5. "内部格式"英文
  6. "内部跟踪结构"英文
  7. "内部工资差别"英文
  8. "内部工作容积高度"英文
  9. "内部功率"英文
  10. "内部功能"英文


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