

  • sun following surface


        太阳:    the sun
        跟踪:    follow the tracks of; tail a ...
        表面:    surface; superficies; bounda ...
        太阳跟踪器:    sun follower
        太阳跟踪仪:    sun tracker
        太阳跟踪聚能器:    sun tracking concentrator
        太阳跟踪伺服系统:    sun following servo system
        跟踪表:    trace table
        内部跟踪表:    internal trace table
        太阳跟随器:    sun seeker; sunfollower
        跟踪太阳:    sun-tracking
        太阳能跟踪器:    solar tracking device
        视在太阳表面:    apparent disk of the sun
        跟踪式太阳能装置:    solar tracking device
        指定的太阳表面:    designated solar surface
        任务追踪表:    task tracking list
        跟踪式太阳能热水器:    solar tracking water heater
        自动太阳能跟踪装置:    automatic solar tracker
        跟踪:    follow the tracks of; tail after; following; follow-up tracing; track; tracking; trail; lock-on; shadow sb.: 雪地跟踪 follow sb.'s tracks in the snow; 跟踪嫌疑犯 tail after a suspect; 跟踪敌舰 shadow the enemy warships; 跟踪走私集团 track down on a gang of smugglers; 跟踪缉捕 follow a clue and put sb. under arrest (as a thief)
        需求对需求追踪表:    the traceability matrix of requirements v.s. requirements
        太阳:    1.(银河系的恒星之一) the sun 青年人朝气蓬勃, 好像早晨八九点钟的太阳。 young people, full of vigour and vitality, are like the sun at eight or nine in the morning.2.(太阳光) sunshine; sunlight 晒太阳 bask in the sun; 太阳地儿 a place where there is sunshine; sunny spot; 今天太阳很好。 it's a lovely sunny day.3.(姓氏) a surname 太阳子 taiyang zi; 太阳暴风 solar gale; 太阳爆发 solar burst; 太阳大爆发 solar outburst; 太阳大气 solar atmosphere; 太阳灯 [医学] sunlamp; sunlight lamp; solar lamp; 太阳电池 solar cell; 太阳电池板 solar panel; 太阳定向器 sun seeker; 太阳帆 [航空] photon sail; solar sail; 太阳风 solar wind; 太阳辐射 solar radiation; 太阳辐射计 actinometer; 太阳服 suntans; 太阳观测 [地测] sun observation; 太阳观测站 solar station; 太阳观察镜 [光学] helioscope; 太阳光斑 solar facula; 太阳光谱 solar spectrum; 太阳光线 sunray; 太阳黑点[子] [天文学] spot; sun spot; macula; 太阳镜 sunglasses; helioscope eyepiece; 太阳历 [天文学] solar calendar; 太阳粒子 solar particle; 太阳炉 solar furnace; 太阳罗盘 sun compass; 太阳帽 sun helmet; topee; 太阳目镜 solar eyepiece; 太阳目视(观测)镜 helioscope; 太阳年 (solar) year; 太阳鸟 sunbird; 太阳摄影仪 solar camera; 太阳射电暴 solar radio burst; 太阳射电爆发 solar radio burst; 太阳探测器 sunblazer; solar probe; 太阳望远镜 solar telescope; 太阳星云 solar nebula; 太阳耀斑 solar flare; 太阳灶 solar energy stove; solar cooker; 太阳质量 solar mass; 太阳质子 solar proton; 太阳质子流 solar proton flux; 太阳中心说 heliocentricism; heliocentric theory; 太阳周 solar cycle
        表面:    surface; superficies; boundary; face; rind; sheet; skin; outside; appearance 表面之词 a superficial statement; 表面价值 face value; 粗糙的表面 a rough surface; 光滑的表面 a smooth surface; 地球的表面 the surface of the earth; the face of the earth; 事物的表面 the surface of things; 表面上气壮如牛, 实际上胆小如鼠 outwardly fierce as a bull but inwardly timid as a mouse; 你不能只看事情的表面。 you must not look only at the surface of things. 他那番话不过是表面文章。 he was merely paying lip service
        太阳,太阳:    sun,sun
        太阳裙,太阳装:    sundress
        真太阳 视太阳:    truesun


  1. "太阳阁"英文
  2. "太阳隔热膜"英文
  3. "太阳给我们带来光明"英文
  4. "太阳给我们光和热"英文
  5. "太阳跟随器"英文
  6. "太阳跟踪聚能器"英文
  7. "太阳跟踪器"英文
  8. "太阳跟踪伺服系统"英文
  9. "太阳跟踪仪"英文
  10. "太阳工藤工事公司"英文


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