The internal format of the bitmap is visible to the application 位图的内部格式对应用程序是可见的。
Convert customer bom into internal standard format , then apply for internal material part no . in system 将客户提供的bom作内部格式标准化,并在系统中申请内部物料号。
Function , you will convert a text service principal name into the gss - api internal format for use with the other apis 函数的实现中,将会把一个文本服务主名称转换为gss - api的内部格式,以用于其他api 。
Internal formats are used for date , time , and timestamp data types and are not compatible with each other , and none are compatible with char 内部格式用于date 、 time和timestamp数据类型。它们彼此都不兼容,且都不与char兼容。
If eai technology is in use or under consideration , does that technology have its own internal format , or can it process open standards as an internal format 如果正在使用或考虑使用eai技术,该技术是否有自己的内部格式?或者它能够将开放标准处理为内部格式吗?