

  • task tracking list


        任务:    task; job
        追踪:    follow the trail of
        :    outside; surface; external
        财务追踪系统:    financial tracking system
        需求对需求追踪表:    the traceability matrix of requirements v.s. requirements
        需求对于使用者案例追踪表:    the tracability matrix of requirements v.s. use cases; the traceability matrix of requirements v.s. use cases
        跟踪表:    trace table
        追踪:    have in the wind; follow the trail of; track; trace; pursue 追踪嫌疑犯 trail a suspect; 放弃追踪 give up [relinquish] the pursuit; 野兔无处逃生; 一群豺狗在追踪它。 the hare could find no safety, a pack of jackals had it in the wind
        内部跟踪表:    internal trace table
        太阳跟踪表面:    sun following surface
        任务:    assignment; mission; task; duties; job 接受任务 receive an assignment; accept an assignment; 担负艰巨的任务 shoulder heavy responsibilities; 我们保证完成任务。 we guarantee to fulfil [complete] our mission. 任务重, 时间紧。 the task is hard and we are pressed for time.; 任务观点 get-it-over-and-done-with attitude; perfunctory attitude; routinist point of view
        追踪;追踪参数:    tracer
        大追踪:    the big trail
        跟踪, 追踪:    tracking
        宏追踪:    macrotrace
        库追踪:    library track
        难追踪:    untraceable
        眼追踪:    ocular pursuit
        值追踪:    value trace
        追加;追踪:    chase
        追踪,追捕:    track (down) v. find after search
        追踪;跟踪:    tracking
        追踪标:    track beacon
        追踪出:    track out
        追踪到:    track down


  1. "任务转换"英文
  2. "任务装入模块"英文
  3. "任务装入模块文件"英文
  4. "任务状态"英文
  5. "任务状态索引"英文
  6. "任务族"英文
  7. "任西民"英文
  8. "任锡凤"英文
  9. "任锡麟"英文
  10. "任喜宝"英文


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