停工: stop work; shut down; time o ...检修: examine and repair; overhaul ...时间: time; hour停工检修: shut-down mainteance检修时间: engineering time停机检修时间: maintenance downtime维护检修时间: engineering time车辆检修在修时间: down time for car under repair停工检查: shutdown inspection机械设备检修停工时间: mechanical downtime平均故障检修时间平均修理时间: mean time to repair待修时间: awaitingrepair time; unattended time非维修时间: nonmaintenance time候修时间: awaiting repair time停修时间: maintenance downtime; repair downtime维修时间: maintenance time; servicing engineering time; servicing time停工时间: bad time; breakdown time; broken time; dead time; downtime; idle hour; idle time; inactive time; lie time; outage time; shut down time; stoppage time; time out; time,outofservice; time-out补充维修时间: supplementary maintenance time出错维修时间: corrective maintenance time; unscheduled maintenance time; unscheduled manintenance time定期维修时间: scheduled maintenance time附加维修时间: supplementary maintenance time例行维修时间: routine maintenance time平均维修时间: mean maintenance time; mean time to maintenance action; mean time to repair mttr; mean time-to-repair; mean-time-to-repair; mttm mean time through maintenance; repair, mean time to (mttr)实际维修时间: active maintenance time维平均修时间: mttr mean time to repair