维: tie up; hold together; link平均: average; mean修: embellish; decorate时间: time; hour平均修复维修时间: mean active maint time平均故障检修时间平均修理时间: mean time to repair平均修复时间: mean corrective maintenance time; mean corrective time; mean time to repair mttr; mean-repair time; mean-time-to-repair {= mttr; mean-time-to-repair(mttr); mrt mean repair time; mtrf mean time to repair fault; multiplier repair time平均修理时间: mean repair time(mrt); mean time to repair(mttr), mean repair time; mrt; mean repair time平均维修时间: mean maintenance time; mean time to maintenance action; mean time to repair mttr; mean time-to-repair; mean-time-to-repair; mttm mean time through maintenance; repair, mean time to (mttr)故障平均修复时间: mean time to restore平均修复间隔时间: mean time between repairs平均修理间隔时间: mean time between rejections; mean time to repair; meantime between repairs; mtbr mean time between repairs; mttr平均故障维修时间: mean time to repair mttr平均预防维修时间: mean corrective maint time; mean preventive maintenance time平均主动维修时间: mean active maintenance time平均实际修复性维修时间: mean active corrective maintenance time平均预防性维修时间: mean preventive maint time平均修复率: mean repair rate平均修理率: mean repair rate待修时间: awaitingrepair time; unattended time非维修时间: nonmaintenance time候修时间: awaiting repair time检修时间: engineering time停修时间: maintenance downtime; repair downtime维修时间: maintenance time; servicing engineering time; servicing time