Input / output test : quick check on screen for possible problems , reducing down time 输出入单点测试功能- - -机器问题测试快速方便,减少停机检修时间。
Responsible for repair and maintenance of production equipments and calibration facilities , well schedule equipment maintenance time 负责做好生产设备,计量器具维护检修工作,合理安排设备检修时间。
But with more complexity of the airborne navigation radar , the maintenance of equipment becomes more difficulty . for the higher accuracy and efficiency to maintenance on radar equipment , the automatic detecting equipments are urgently needed to be developed 为了满足对雷达、航空电子设备可靠性和可维修性提出的更高要求,就需要性能优良的中间级自动检测设备加以保障,以减小故障检修时间,提高检修效率。
To ensure safe and reliable operation . however , as unscheduled machine downtime can upset deadline and cause heavy fmacial losses , improvements were sought in the field of fault diagnosis . in 1970 ' s a new technology of electrical machines " fault diagnosis - condition monitoring has arisen . the technology could judge and diagnose the faults by advanced technology and analysis instrument when the machine is on - line 70年代兴起的设备故障诊断技术是一门新技术,它能实现设备在带负载运行、不停机的情况下,通过使用先进的技术手段对设备状态参数监测和分析,判断设备是否存在异常或故障,故障的部位和原因以及故障的劣化趋势,以确定合理的检修时间和方案。
检修: examine and repair; overhaul ...时间: time; hour停工检修时间: stream-to-stream time停机检修时间: maintenance downtime维护检修时间: engineering time车辆检修在修时间: down time for car under repair平均故障检修时间平均修理时间: mean time to repair待修时间: awaitingrepair time; unattended time非维修时间: nonmaintenance time候修时间: awaiting repair time停修时间: maintenance downtime; repair downtime维修时间: maintenance time; servicing engineering time; servicing time补充维修时间: supplementary maintenance time出错维修时间: corrective maintenance time; unscheduled maintenance time; unscheduled manintenance time定期维修时间: scheduled maintenance time附加维修时间: supplementary maintenance time例行维修时间: routine maintenance time平均维修时间: mean maintenance time; mean time to maintenance action; mean time to repair mttr; mean time-to-repair; mean-time-to-repair; mttm mean time through maintenance; repair, mean time to (mttr)实际维修时间: active maintenance time维平均修时间: mttr mean time to repair延期维修时间: deferred maintenance time应急维修时间: emergency maintenance time预定维修时间: scheduled maintenance time非规定的维修时间: nonscheduled maintenance time非预定的维修时间: nonscheduled maintenance